It's a minefield Natasha, isn't it? And the trouble is, we all have different experiences, so no one answer is going to be just right for you. Kitty's fine with pears, but seems to have problems with all sorts of other things. It doesn't help that the area of allergies/intolerances seems to be all relatively new, medically speaking.
I'd obviously try and get some good medical advice, but personally, I would go back to your Neocate for a few weeks; try and get the eczema under control; it seems like something might be causing it. If you wanted to add some solids, I'd go for some ground rice, (you can buy it in bags in the supermarket - not special baby rice, but in the aisle alongside the semolina and pudding rice) cooked up with the Neocate. I think most babies (in this country) are fine with rice.
I'd keep a food diary. One of those page a day ones, where I'd list what your lo has eaten and how the skin looks, which creams you've applied etc.
I'd stick with the Neocate drink and rice/Neocate mix for a couple of weeks. I'd use steroid creams twice a day on the eczema patches and 50-50 liquid paraffin emollient really liberally all over the body to keep the skin hydrated.
Then, when the skin's good again, I'd trial my first food - say pears. If there was no reaction after 3 or 4 days, I'd add another food, perhaps lamb or chicken, whizzed up with a hand blender and mixed into the rice. I'd keep adding different foods in that way, keeping the diary the whole time so you can spot any problems.
I was advised by my dietician to "just go for it" with foods when she reached the 'right' age. I did, and we're now in the situation where she's reacting badly to pretty much everything we try. We're seeing an allergist next week, so I'm hopeful that he'll be able to give us some answers to our questions.
A book I've found useful (but not a quick read, I'm afraid!) is 'Dealing with Food Allergies in Babies and Children' by Janice Vickerstaff Joneja. Another good one for broader allergy problems is 'The Allergy Bible' by Linda Gamlin.
Keep us posted, whatever you decide to do. (And you are the best one to decide what is right for your family - don't let any of us pressure you - you're the expert for your lo)
I really feel for you, as I've been there and know how frustrating, confusing and scary it all feels. HUGE hugs to you.