Hi everyone!
Can I join in this group? My LO will be 2 next Monday, and the past few days we have been dealing, again, with some NW problems. Last night was the worst for a while now, with him waking 4 times...
When I thought that the NW problems where over, here they are again... He usually goes to bed around 9:30 pm (I know it's a too late, but He simply doesn't show any sings of being tired before that, and besides that, with me and DH arriving at home from work at 7 pm, giving him his bath - that he loves to be very long with plenty of play and bubbles, and doing dinner, that is the time that he is ready to bed
) and wakes up around 6 am but after then sleeps again until 9 am.
I'm completely lost and don't know how to deal with this problem again. When he wakes up during the night, he doesn't cry, he simply sits on his bed and starts calling for me, louder and louder, and if I don't go to him, then he starts to cry...
Can someone please help me?