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Our skin patch test/blood tests results are in! and whoooa!
« on: March 11, 2009, 12:27:25 pm »
Just wanted to share.

Gwyneth had a skin patch test on Thursday to include top 8 minus nuts, and a host of other things.  Also had a blood test on Friday.

We were REALLY surprised when she showed major reactions to chicken and oats, and of course milk.  Noteworthy reactions to soy, beef, tomato, and trace reactions to green beans, corn, sweet potato, potato, apple, rice and banana.  No gto wheat, carrot, egg, pea, turkey, peach, pear and barley (although barley and corn got worse after 48 hrs).  Soooo glad to be finally getting some answers.

I immediately took chicken and oatmeal out of my diet and the results have been amazing.  Although I am seeing a dip in my supply and trying to not lose much more weight.  So I just added turkey last night and will begin adding the foods to my diet that she did not show a reaction to.  We have a follow up appointment with the allergist on Friday to discuss the results, next steps, and what to give her next for solids.  She is still doing great with the pears!!! :)

Curious if anyone knows how accurate these results are?  I've heard 50% for positive, and 90% for negative?  Any insight?

Gwyneth is still gaining, chubby and happy as heck and crazy mobile - aside from crawling for the last month she has just started pulling up to standing and is trying like crazy to cruise!  :o 

We're really happy to have an idea of what is going on, and the allergist assured us that she will most likely outgrow most of onward and upward!

Thanks for listening..


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Re: Our skin patch test/blood tests results are in! and whoooa!
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2009, 13:06:49 pm »
Great you've got something to work with. You continue to do an amazing job xx

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Re: Our skin patch test/blood tests results are in! and whoooa!
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2009, 13:49:21 pm »
Wow, I'm so glad you finally got in to see the allergist and get tested!  What did the blood tests show?  I say that both tests together are pretty accurate.  Our skin test showed a reaction to eggs right off the bat, whereas the blood test showed high to eggs and also oats, barley, and wheat.  I go with the tests because if you eliminate the foods and your daughter is better then I say they are pretty accurate :)

So nice to have answers!!  :D  I hope things continue to get better for you.
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Re: Our skin patch test/blood tests results are in! and whoooa!
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2009, 14:08:17 pm »
oh happy you've got something substantial to go with.....I am totally in awe of your dedication, your perseverence and your positive mid through all of this!!!

I don't have any experience with allergy testing, .....just wanted to congratulate you for all you're doing for little Gwynnie.....and tell you I am still here, cyber-holding your hand!!!

big hugs

Siobhain x

Siobhain - Mammy to Oscar and Emma, forever spirited, currently bilingual and curly, formerly baldy, extended breastfeeders!


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Re: Our skin patch test/blood tests results are in! and whoooa!
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2009, 23:49:35 pm »
Thank you ladies - it really means a lot.  :-* I truly appreciate you reading my updates and giving me support and encouragement.  I joined another online allergy support forum (someone on this board recommened the site and it's great) and there are kids who are tube fed, can have no solids, are on elemental formula only at 5,6, 7 years old and it just makes me realize that we're doing just fine and thank God we have a happy healthy baby.

I'll tell ya - although I wish she didn't have any allergies, I feel like I'm not a crazy overprotective mother.  I know those peds thought I was nuts, but you can't mess with a mama bear eh?

Thanks again, I'll keep you posted as we move forward!

Oh Mel - we've used almost all of the Neocate - thank you again!  And our allergist said that they will work with our insurance company to pay for it since there is nothing else she could take formula wise if my supply were to diminish or if I need to eventually supplement all feeds.  Yippee.


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Re: Our skin patch test/blood tests results are in! and whoooa!
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2009, 23:52:42 pm »
Oh Melanie - regarding the blood test.  We haven't heard yet what the results are, but I'll keep your experience in mind.  Thanks for letting me know..

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Re: Our skin patch test/blood tests results are in! and whoooa!
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2009, 00:11:30 am »
Just dropping off hugs and I'm so glad you are getting answers! Sounds like you've been an amazing advocate for your DD!
BTW- won't be long till she's walking! Wow to the pulling up and cruising!
                Nick spirited angel, born August 2, 2007

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Re: Our skin patch test/blood tests results are in! and whoooa!
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2009, 13:30:49 pm »
Yes, I found the blood test to be very informative!  I'm glad that they are going to try and work out something for you and your insurance.  I can't imagine having to pay for that formula!  I am a member of that website too and I never realized how bad some people have it.  I feel lucky too in that regard.  Let us know how the blood test results go.
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Re: Our skin patch test/blood tests results are in! and whoooa!
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2009, 12:34:23 pm »
I can't imagine those kids with so many allergies and to be on formula. I didn't think it was possible.

Could Gwyneth come out of these allergies. I heard that most allergies and intolerance start to disappear at around 2yrs old. Were you told this could be the case for her. But at least now you know some of the things she can tolerate. I have to say though that I admire you for doing such a great job with your elimination diet for her. I really don't know if I could do it.
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Re: Our skin patch test/blood tests results are in! and whoooa!
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2009, 13:11:17 pm »
Great that you finally have some answers! I agree with others, amazing how you can eliminate all those things from your diet for her - what a great mama those girlies have :D
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Re: Our skin patch test/blood tests results are in! and whoooa!
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2009, 23:31:38 pm »
 :-* :-* :-* Thanks ladies.

Sylvie - yes, the allergist thinks she will outgrow most, we'll just have to see.  And honestly I never would have thought I could do it either, I can never last on diets for myself, lol, but since this is just temporary it makes it easier (most of the time!). 

Went for our follow up today and got some good news  :D  They did a 24hr reading of the tests and think that she really only has 5 significant reactions - milk, green beans, tomato, oats, and corn.  He said start adding everything back to my diet (every 4 days) and the same for her.  Even the wheat and eggs!  I'm really excited. Tomorrow we both will start carrots - woooohooooo - never been so happy to have a damn carrot in all my life, lol.  So we'll introduce all the foods that she had no reaction to, then the ones where she had trace reactions (which could be a false positive) and then he said to go to soy, or rice next.  He's pretty confident she'll be fine by the time we get there (about 3 months).  So we'll see.   The only thing we disagreed on was that he said it is so rare for a baby to have a reaction through what the mama eats going in her breastmilk.  I told him that's a pretty dangerous falsehood, even though it's so tiny it's enough to hurt them if there's an allergy/intolerance.  we talked about it for some time and he was very cool - said he would never argue w/a bf'ing mama as they usually are right  ;D but all the data suggests otherwise.  I just said they need to produce different data because I know so many women who could attest otherwise.  lol

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Re: Our skin patch test/blood tests results are in! and whoooa!
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2009, 03:34:12 am »
Awesome news.  This has been a long journey for you and I am so happy you are getting answers.

Oh and You are SO RIGHT about the reaction through a mom's breastmilk. They need to do other studies.

Great news though.  Hugs,Wendy
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Re: Our skin patch test/blood tests results are in! and whoooa!
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2009, 16:39:19 pm »
Hi Wendy - nice to see you!  Thanks - yeah, it's been a pretty crazy ride....glad we're on the right track now :)