Ok these night wakings are driving me mad.
She is better now. Finished her antibios and is back to her NW's. Last night it was 12am to 4am. The night before she slept pretty well, but still woke a few times. The night before that was horrendous.
I really don't know what is going on. This child used to be a fantastic sleeper and now it is awful.
Both Nap and Bedtimes are becoming a nightmare again, where she cries cause she does not want to go down, even though I know she is tired. She cries, but if I go in she just gets hysterical. I need to just stand on the outside of the door and shhhh her, and she eventually settles.
What am I doing wrong? She seems to have 1 good night out of 6 and I am trying to survive on 4-5 hours of sleep a night, some before midnight and then a few hours after 4am.