I've been to Stirling - that is a BEAUTIFUL place!!! I'd love to live nearby there
. I went to Strathclyde in Glasgow. I like that place too - really nice people up there in the north. I don't quite like it here in the south but I suppose I haven't got much choice.
I'd love to go back up there some day to do some revisit - I can't quite remember the place that well now although I used to love it soo much
- see I'm reallly getting old :p . Maybe when LO's a bit older then I can show him where mummy went to uni....
Well... I suppose when it comes to our precious little ones... we've got to be more patient than what we acutally are huh? Thinking of having another one already? Oh dear... I can only dread for that thought at the moment....
I think my LO is just doing too many things at one time, which is probably causing him so many disrupted sleep and also made it REALLY HARD for me to figure out what it was! :< I prefer he does things a bit slow like one at a time maybe better... oh well... but you can't decide for them can you? How lucky are you that you didn't have many NWs when she's teething - I've read from other threads that that is the worst to disrupt sleeping! But when you say "a lot NWs" when she starts sitting, how many times was that a night?
Yup I've tried some pain meds and I got one good (well, slightly better) night and one HORRIBLE night! Last night I forgot the meds :-/ but it went pretty well - only 3 NWs which is BRILLIANT as compared to before... so I suppose it wasn't really any pain that was bothering him... hmm.... still need to figure it out.....
Oh... Barbara - you just posted when I did... lucky you! I just hope that it was the teething that's bothering him and hope to see one soon!!! He hasn't got any yet and now that he's almost 6.5 months old! OK he's up now....got to go.. chat later
T xx