Thanks for your replies ladies!
But tonight is NOT going to be good as DS is super OT just now!
He woke from his nap 2 at 4pm and didn't go down until 8pm!!
He struggled and then resisted going down .. I'm also in a very bad mood right now cos just had a go with DH
... Grrrr....
So overall today's naps were ok although they are broken. Nap 2 he slept for altogether 2.5hrs cos he seemed sooo tired....and I had to wake him up in the end as well...but he woke in between for a few times so I suppose he needed that extra time to rest well...but I don't know what went wrong at bedtime?
Here is our day -
Awake 6.20
E. 6.30 BF + 7.30 solids
S. 9.28-10.07 10.15-10.50
E. 11.05 BF + 12.45 solids
S. 1.30 - 2.09 - 3.07 - 4.02 (I woke him)
E. 4.10 BF + 5.15 solids
E. 6.25
S. 8.00
(aimed for bedtime at around 6.45.. but... )
OK he was sort of getting tired around 6pm so we quickly give him a bath and then I BF him. He was dozing off during BFing... so I get him off the breasts and try to lay him down drowsy as usual. But then he became wide awake and cried. Then he sits up and then play a bit, then cry a bit, play a bit, then cry a bit... so I left him in his room waited for his real cry. Then when I finally go in there I can quickly calm him down and get him sleepy but then he'll wake and try to find my eyes... or push me away... then I leave him in his cot and walk out and he doesn't cry instantly...he plays a bit, then cry.. then I go in... then repeat for a few times like this! ....until finally 8pm! I was soooo shattered!
I'm also a bit confused. He was clearly tired around 6/6.30pm.. but then later he didn't seem to be soo tired....I'm aware part of the dragging on was due to the unable to self-soothe issue... but his signs are just sooo confusing! Today's A were no where near what we've done in the last couple of days but he slept ok naps... and he slept at 8pm is one hour on and he hasn't woken up yet...
Erhh... usually he would... so I'm totally confused... lost.... He didn't treat that dozing off at my breast as CN, did he? Or was nap 2 the real messer?
I'll try to stick to your suggestion for the next few days... but just as you said.. it's easier said than done, isn't it? I tried to stick with it today, but it just ended all messed up!
I know Barbara could be right about the feeding thing... but I also suspect the self-soothe issue as well.. as when we have that loooong NW, it is pretty much the same as our bedtime today.... picking up asleep.. put down awake and play...grrr.... he doesn't really cry for feed at night (he never used to really)... it's only me just feed him once a night as I thought that's what baby of his age needs....but then he could have been used to it by now... so still expect it even without hysterical hungry cries... could be either yea... I'll carry on doing what I'm doing right now for a few more days and see if we have any improvement.
That said, DS used to cry so little and that's why I still couldn't figure out what his cry is what. Barbara - I know it is SOOOO HARD to do PUPD as I actually tried it before (well.. not consistently) but just couldn't take his cries... it breaks my heart!.. so I stopped. That's why I'm really really reluctant to do it! I really hope I can help him to self-soothe and achieve lay-down-awake with GW method... as I'm trying to leave sooner and sooner every time when he sleeps... I kind of find it ok to do at his naps but not really NWs... so I suppose his self-soothing ability needs to be strengthened...
Laura - your hv gives you advice? Mine's already disappeared after we met her for the first time! She doesn't seem to care how we are doing and I don't know what questions I should ask her....
(as if I'm doing pretty well without her!
but as you can see I'm struggling with DS's sleep problems... ) .. oh well.. I suppose she can't really help me anyway... so why bother?
Yep I'm returning to work but not until the end of this year...
... which is great! I want to spend more time with DS before returning work full time... so... but sometimes I really wished I was already back at work especially when I get frustrated with DS... oh well.. just like everybody else!
Anyways....I'll see how tonight goes and will TRY stick with our suggested routine/A time for the next few days ... will keep you ladies posted!
Thanks a million time!
T xx