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Dr thinks LO is allergic to something in my milk. WHAT???
« on: April 02, 2009, 14:17:12 pm »

My LO is 15 weeks old and has been waking up every hour at night since birth.  He recently started having a hard time breastfeeding (arching, crying etc.)  We took him to the dr yesterday and the dr confirmed that he has silent reflux.  He also noticed that LO had a rash on his thigh.  The dr thinks that LO is allergic to something in my diet, which has been causing the multiple NW's, the reflux, and now the rash.  He suggested that I cut out wheat from my diet.  I've been looking at labels so closely now.  If something is wheat-free but it says that it was made in a factory that processes wheat foods, is that ok to eat?  Also, how long should it take before I see an improvement in LO?  When do I know that it's not wheat he's allergic to and therefore I need to eliminate another food item?

I'm hoping so much that we can get to the bottom of this soon.  We are going on 15 weeks of sleepless nights and I'm pretty desperate at this point  :'(

I would be so grateful for any advice.  Thank you!

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Re: Dr thinks LO is allergic to something in my milk. WHAT???
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2009, 14:06:32 pm »
I think you'd want to make sure it isn't even made anywhere near wheat, due to possible cross contamination.  I know that risk is low, but just to try for a few weeks so you know that 100 percent you had no wheat in your diet if your lo is still reacting.

It can take a few weeks to see improvement.  One it has to get out of your system, and then their system.  How long have you been going wheat free now?  For us I notice a difference in the first week, and he was totally clear by week 3, but he was formula fed and it was the cow's dairy in the formula that was the problem, so it was easier to pin-point.  If your lo has no difference after a few weeks I'd try eliminating dairy and soy.  Usually the babies react to the dairy and soy in the mother's diet, not always, but as you can probably tell from these threads it's usually the number 1 item the mother learns to live without.

Usually I'd suggest dairy then soy, but I'd hate to see you go 3 weeks dairy free while still drinking soy and your lo still suffering.  Sometimes it works to eliminate them both and once your lo is better you can try adding soy back in.  This is if eliminating wheat doesn't work out for you.  Definitely go by what your doctor says.

I hope this helps.  I know how stressful it can be and all you want is some relief.  HUGS.  I hope it is the wheat just to help you get to the bottom of this sooner.  Hopefully it will get better for you soon!

Perhaps another mother on here with food elimination experience in their own diet can help.
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Re: Dr thinks LO is allergic to something in my milk. WHAT???
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2009, 14:52:59 pm »
I would cut out dairy and soy first, as it's a more common problem for babies, but knowing me I'd probably cut out all three and then add back in slowly. It's HARD, but I also feel better when I cut out a lot of that stuff. (Plus I also get really really good at making food from scratch when I did that! :))

Some other common allergens are nightshade vegetables: tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplant/aubergine.

Offline Spectra

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Re: Dr thinks LO is allergic to something in my milk. WHAT???
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2009, 14:55:33 pm »
I totally agree.  Cutting a bunch out at once may resolve his suffering quicker then you can slowly add things back in.  That's probably what I'd do too just to cut to the problem easier.
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Offline fireflymama

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Re: Dr thinks LO is allergic to something in my milk. WHAT???
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2009, 17:24:52 pm »
Thank you everyone so much for your kinds words and advice.  I cut out dairy and soy a while ago when LO was fussy and gassy.  He didn't improve at all at that time.  It turned out I had milk oversupply and once that was under control, he was better.  That's why I figured I'd try wheat this time.  It's so annoying that all the wheat-free food I bought is made in a factory that also makes food with wheat.  Why would they do that????  So frustrating!  I agree though, that i shouldn't eat any of this, just to be safe.

Thank you again for your help.  I really appreciate it  :)


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Re: Dr thinks LO is allergic to something in my milk. WHAT???
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2009, 23:58:41 pm »
Just wanted to hop on and offer you lots of ((((hugs)))).  I know how frustrating it can be and it's awful seeing your LO in pain and not knowing exactly what is going on. 

I echo cutting out soy and dairy right away (even the hidden soy and dairy - there are lots of tricky names for dairy, like casein, whey, etc - there should be a sticky on this board that tells you all the names if you aren't familiar w/them).  And as others said - no, I wouldn't eat anything that was made in a factory that also processes the food you are eliminating.

I went on a very hard core elimination diet (am still on it actually, have added back a few foods since getting DD's allergy results) BUT I did it because I myself had tons of allergies until I was about 2 years old.  So i cut out everything, and I mean everything except 5 baseline foods to get immediate results.  It's difficult to do - but I found that nothing was giving her relief.  Come to find out that she has multiple allergies.  Very extreme, but some mama's finally go that path.  Also - some BF'ing mothers I know cut out the top 8 allergens - wheat, soy, dairy, eggs, tree nuts, peanuts, shellfish, fish and I'm blanking on the last one.  I would suggest the wheat, soy and dairy right away if you can - and the first week is the hardest, then it gets easier.  I had some headaches as I was "detoxing".  As Deb said - it actually becomes pretty great because you cook from scratch.  Just be careful and take a calcium suppliment (there are hypoallergenic ones) and make sure that's introduced as a "food" challenge.

More ((hugs)) and good luck.  If you have any questions or just want to vent, let me know - I have been doing this for almost 8 months (with GREAT success, but it was a long road) and I know how hard it can be when all you want is your baby to feel good and for everyone to get some sleep!!

Good luck!  :-*


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Re: Dr thinks LO is allergic to something in my milk. WHAT???
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2009, 00:23:22 am »
Oh, and ps - make sure you continue eating enough calories or your supply could suffer.  I was VERY scared of that at first as I lost so much weight pretty rapidly.  However, I literally made myself snack every hour or so, on high fat things like avocado (I still have about 3 or 4 of them a day!) and oatmeal (which is good for your supply, but turned out DD is VERY allergic to it - go figure!), and DH always made me a huge steak every night to remind me to eat (as you know, mommies can easily forget to feed themselves!).  So just make sure you look after yourself as well as you can! 

Offline Canadian Evan

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Re: Dr thinks LO is allergic to something in my milk. WHAT???
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2009, 00:55:38 am »
My son was colicky the first three months of his life.
It started from the day we took him home from the hospital...he had the world's stinkiest gas.
It cleared up and came back two weeks later, along with the colic.

The doctor said it was either colic or something I was eating but said not to worry as he would outgrow it.
I lasted another week of chronic screaming that turned into loose, foamy green stools.  I couldn't believe that this was normal.  I took him to a holistic nutritionist and had him tested.  It turned out BOTH of us had a wheat and dairy sensitivity.  I cut it out, put us both on probiotics and noticed a huge difference the first week and by week three the colic was completely gone. 

If I were you I would cut out all wheat, dairy, soy and nuts (and avoid any product that says may contain...) and also cut out carrots and peanuts. (They aggreviate most babies bellies).  Then get yourself to a holistic nutritionist or naturopath who can test both of you.   

Of interest, dairy & wheat are the number one food allergies in Canada.  Your doctor is on the right course but I would recommend broadening your professional support by seeking counsel of a nutritionist and naturopath.

If you need any help with recipes and meal ideas let me know.  I've been wheat and dairy free for 9 months!! Don't really miss it!

Offline Spectra

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Re: Dr thinks LO is allergic to something in my milk. WHAT???
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2009, 01:56:00 am »
Yes, I believe naturopaths will test for sensitivities and/or intolerances.  I'm not sure why regular doctors don't usually test for that, well the ones I met never did, or I found out later that my Ped didn't believe in Intolerances.....  Had I known this from the get go I would have gone to seen one.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2009, 01:57:51 am by Spectra »
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Offline fireflymama

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Re: Dr thinks LO is allergic to something in my milk. WHAT???
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2009, 18:48:03 pm »
Thank you everyone so, so much.  I am so exhausted and now i'm not eating well either!  I have to get to Whole Foods today and find some food that i can eat and that is quick and easy to make.  It all feels very overwhelming right now!  I"m hoping so much that he is not allergic to soy and dairy.  I'm a vegetarian and that's basically all I eat!!!!  I guess we'll see soon enough!

I really appreciate all of the advice and support.  It means so much to me.
Thank you. Thank you.   :)

Offline fireflymama

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Re: Dr thinks LO is allergic to something in my milk. WHAT???
« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2009, 23:56:41 pm »'s the update.  I have been off of wheat for 6 days now and LO's rash is spreading, the NW's are even more frequent.  The feedings though seem to be a bit better (no arching at most feeds now).  Do you think I should stick with the wheat only or should i add more food items to eliminate.  I just want to be sure of exactly what he is reacting to, so I thought i should do it one at a time.  This approach though, could take months!  But at this point, since I started wih wheat only, should I stick it out for another week?  Also, do you think it's something other than wheat because the rash is spreading or is it too soon to tell.  I am feeling very overwhelmed by this diet thing.  I am a vegetarian and never really got into cooking.  It's something that I always knew i needed to be familiar with, especially now that I have a child, but cooking in general sort of freaks me out.  My mother didn't really cook, so I had no role model.  I don't even know what I'd eat if I couldn't eat dairy and soy!   I did cut out dairy and soy a few months ago but I'm pretty sure I didn't do it long enough. 
I took LO to a chiropractor who is known to be amazing at doing muscle testing for babies to determine allergies.  She found that LO is extremely sensitive to wheat and caffeine.  That's why i chose to eliminate those two items first.  I'm just not sure where to go from here.  Do a full elimination diet?  stay with wheat only for another week?  add dairy and soy to the list? 
I"m tired, overwhelmed and desperately want to make my baby feel better already!!!!! 
I would really appreciate any advice.  Thank you so much. 


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Re: Dr thinks LO is allergic to something in my milk. WHAT???
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2009, 00:31:56 am »
big (((Hugs))  so sorry that your LO is still reacting.  I say cut out the dairy and soy as well (and talk to a nutrionist or research on line for substitutes).  I went to a total elimination diet at the point you're at, however, I do eat meat so had more options.  Unfortunately babies can be allergic to anything.  DDs highest allergies turned out to be corn, milk, oats, green beans and tomatoes.  I would have NEVER thought oats/green beans/tomatoes.  Ever.  But it can be anything.  If you want to talk more about a TED (total elimination diet), I'll be happy to chat with you more.  Good luck.  There are pros and cons to each approach.  Getting to baseline (definite safe foods) makes such a difference.

I really feel for you and your bub, I know how hard it is.  Hang in there. 

Offline fireflymama

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Re: Dr thinks LO is allergic to something in my milk. WHAT???
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2009, 01:07:17 am »
Thank you Scarlett's Mom.  I'm thinking that I might do the TED but I can't start it until the weekend since we're going out of town and staying with family for the holidays.  It sounds awful but I'll do whatever I need to in order to figure out what LO is reacting to.

Thank you for your support : )  This is really hard  :'(


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Re: Dr thinks LO is allergic to something in my milk. WHAT???
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2009, 13:02:42 pm »
Oh hon, I know, it can be SO overwhelming and upsetting.  You're a wonderful mama for trying to figure this out, it really is hard.  I promise you it will get better.  While out of town I would suggest being very cautious.  Don't worry about hurting people's feelings either.  I come from a big Italian family where food is a huge part of showing love, and to not eat can be insulting.  But I straight out told my family that if it was the difference between them feeling insulted for a little bit, or my baby being in pain there was no discussion.  They've come around...although they STILL ask me "Really, you can't have just a little bit of (insert big Italian cheesy dinner/dessert/etcetc, )".  lol  I now tell them "Well, I could, but then Gwynnie's intestines would bleed and she would be in terrible pain...hmmmm....." and that is that.

We'll help you get there and I'm happy to be a part of your support team.  It's REALLY important that your DH is on board, and also that you have some type of dr monitoring things depending on how long you do it for. 

More (((hugs))) and lots and lots of healing and calming vibes to that beautiful little baby of yours.

xoxo  :-*

« Last Edit: April 08, 2009, 13:04:21 pm by scarlett'smom »

Offline Canadian Evan

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Re: Dr thinks LO is allergic to something in my milk. WHAT???
« Reply #14 on: April 12, 2009, 04:27:59 am »
It can take weeks to get the food out of your system and babes.
AJ's rash got worse before it got's the body cleaning out.
Stay the course and cut out the dairy & soy.  It's hard, I know but it's worth it.
Again, peanuts and carrots can also aggrevate sensitive tummies. 

Hugs to you!