Hugs Priya!! Sorry your DD Is sick!! Don't worry about sleep training nor night feeds nor anythin! When babies are sick, they just need mommies! Just cuddle her and do whatever you can to make her feel better!
I'm sorry you had an EW again. I think these whole EWs are something habitual now. They are always around the same time, you know? 5 am, 5.10 am, 5.20 am...Anyway, have you tried w2s for these EWs? I would give w2s a good try and see if that helps. Go to her at 4.30 am, touch her cheek or her lovey, or anything, just to make her stir. Do this for 3 days and see what happens. I know some mums wake their los at 4 am...That's what Tracy suggests in her book, anyway, I never wake Patrick up when doing w2s, but I guess you will have to experiment and see what happens.
Also, IF after trying w2s Daisy keeps waking every morning at around 5 am, then, put her down for the night at 6 pm. It is better to have a well rested baby in the morning, than an OT one. So, if she keeps waking up at 5 am no matter what we do, then go ahead and put her down at 6 pm! At least you can enjoy a long afternoon and have time for Benjamin and for yourself!
I know this is very hard. There's no way you are going to be happy with a 5 am wake up and ready to start the day, so I think Charm's idea about giving her toys to play in the early morning is great. If she keeps waking up that early, then we need to teach her to spend time by herself in the cot so you can sleep at least 1 more hr!
THis is what I would try tomorrow....Follow Daisy's tired signs and let her sleep as long as she wants during her naps. We are totally lost as to how long she can stay awake, so I would have one day of "observation" and follow your DD's cues for putting her down to sleep. So, if she wakes up at 5 am, and wants to go to bed at 8am or at 11 am for the nap, let her do it, and let her sleep as long as she wants. When she wakes up, again, follow her tired signs and see at what time she wants to go down for another nap, and so on...By doing this, you will let Daisy catch up on the sleep that she needs, and you will have important information on about how long she can stay awake.
How did her naps go today? How is her mood?