Author Topic: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5  (Read 63841 times)

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #105 on: April 07, 2010, 21:58:57 pm »
Not trying to be critical Bernie, just wondering.

I didn't think you were  ;) Not entirely sure if CMs have to be accredited or not. I did see a 'menu plan' from the CM when I initially went to see her - but all I remember was being shocked at the sight of 'sausage roll' for one of the meals - I was NEVER going to let my exclusively BF and BLW baby eat a sausage roll . . . fast forward to today and I've lost track of the number of sausage rolls she's eaten LOL! I've never take her to McDs myself (and chances are I won't as it's not somewhere I'd choose to eat) but she's had it a couple of times at the CM - usually in school hols when the CM has lots of children to look after of varying ages and it's a 'treat' for them all - especially the older ones I guess. I've learned to 'let go' a bit as far as food goes - I figure Alice eats a fairly healthy and varied diet so she can eat junk once in a while!

Hmm - rather a lot of fruit today

Maybe your DS ate Alice's quota today as she seems to be off her beloved fruit at the mo  ;)

B: bowl of porridge (and some of Daddy & Mummy's cereal), couple of bites of banana, milk

With my Mum - who took her to Great Gran's
S: organix cereal bar
L: home-made veg soup with bread and butter for dipping, salami, water

At home:
S: humzinger bar
D: baked omelette (with potato, carrot, mushroom), yoghurt, hot choc with few marshmallows & organix gingerbread man

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #106 on: April 08, 2010, 10:39:15 am »
B weetbix with added wheat germ,
S jelly cup with fruit in it,
L tuna toasties
S banana, orange!, 2 corn thins with vegemite, chocolate from easter.
D salmon, potato, sweet potato and pea mash, broccoli.

a new fruit today - orange!

He really surprised me today, he ate the salmon happily even though he's hardly tried it before. He ate 3 segments of orange!
Fruit is a sticking point as he gradually refused more and more after starting off well at 1yo.
My new 'trick' is to ask him to lick the fruit
We also had awesome success with both DD and DS having a 'dinosaur' dinner in terms of both of them eating broccoli and not complaining. We always cheer that they must be GIANT dinosaurs for eating their trees. Today Leo gave me a look that said, hey i'm about to eat my tree, you better be impressed!  These strategies are FINALLY paying off!
mumma to 2 former BW babies, DD 11, DS 8

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #107 on: April 08, 2010, 13:38:15 pm »
Bernie, it's good you have such a relaxed attitude to food, maybe that's why she's such a good eater! Me, well I have to say I rely on childcare to get those veggies in him as he totally refuses at home!

Offline koe2moe

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #108 on: April 08, 2010, 20:46:40 pm »
what a nice thread!  I'd like to join in.

We face a problem when DS is always monstrously hungry especially in the night.  I had to give in and gave him a bottle at 00:30 when he'd been crying since 00:10 and I knew it was hunger and when I turned the light on, he was signing milk.  He only does one sign.  And he has one clear word, for crackers.  I'm hoping to monitor closer to what he's eating during the day and hopefully get rid of some of the bottles :(  He's having 1 x 200+ml bottle between 6-7am, 1 x 120-150ml before bed and 1 x 100-150ml @ NW.  We managed to hold off the whole week prior.  He's just recovered from 3 weeks of illness and perhaps that's the catching up.

sorry for the long-winded explanation.

NW: 100ml bottle (formula + cow's milk)
Wake up:  220ml bottle
B: 2 slices bread with pb + honey
S: Fruit, usually banana @ daycare so not sure about quantity
L: toasted cheese sandwiches
S: yoghurt 2 cups (not sure how big a cup is)
S: usually crackers, bread sticks,
S: 2 rice wafels when we picked him up (he kept asking for them)
D: 250ml babyfood (pork stew with potatoes, carrots and dill + potato mash with beef and endive) + 40g mushroom rice from our plate + 1 peeled pear + 1 banana  (his belly was sticking right out!)
Bedtime: 120ml bottle

a new fruit today - orange!

I gave DS some orange yesterday.  He sucked juice out of two pieces and spat it out LOL.. New for him also :D

Offline mumofalice

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #109 on: April 09, 2010, 06:27:13 am »
Bernie, it's good you have such a relaxed attitude to food

Oh how I wish I was LOL! I'm food obsessed . . . I have to work really hard to look relaxed on the outside to DD when inside I could be freaking out ha ha!! I just try to make mealtimes as stress-free as they can be - and as DD has 2 parents who LOVE food and eat pretty much everything then I think she just watches us and thinks it's fun to eat - I just hope that she learns when to say no - unlike her Mum who will eat til she bursts  :P

So . . . after saying that she can eat junk food once in a while - she had another 'unhealthy' day yesterday and I can't blame the CM this time! We went to the coast for the day - which was a fab day, but we had to eat sea-side food - which unfortunately doesn't include Greek take-out  :-[

B: poached egg, slice of toast (half with egg, half with pear butter - left some), pear, diluted OJ
S: organix cereal bar, yoghurt coated sesame snap,
L: fish and chips with brown sauce, ice cream, juice
S: sesame snap
D: crumpet with cream cheese, yoghurt, hot choc with few marshmallows, biscuit

Was surprised at the amount she ate yesterday - we didn't get home til after 6.30pm so didn't think she'd want any dinner (it's normally bath time) and especially after she'd eaten quite a lot of my fish and chips AND she'd requested the snack when we got to the car to come home  :o However, I offered the crumpet and she ate all but a bite - wasn't surprised that she had the yoghurt, etc tho - she's just like her Daddy and 'always has room for pudding'  ::)

Offline nelliestar

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #110 on: April 09, 2010, 09:46:59 am »
Worried Mummy reporting in!

Teething going on and food intake drastically reduced..

B - humzinger, 5 spoons of Readybrek
S - half an oatcake
L - 1 sausage, handful of peas, half Grandma's donut (!)
Tea - 3 pieces of apple, half an oatcake
Supper - rice krispies and warm milk

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Offline MLK

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #111 on: April 09, 2010, 10:28:59 am »
Bernie, the Greek takeaway included some pretty unhealthy fish and chips :) I remember once visitng Whitby when I was living in NE England. Supposed to be the best place for fish and chips in England at the time but *ahem* I found it a bit too oily for my taste;)

He was at childcare today so wasn't sure what he had for lunch/snacks there (DH picked him up)

B: boiled egg, banana, toast, MSPI "milk"
D: fried rice with egg, choy sum, turkey, MSPI "milk"

Offline koe2moe

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #112 on: April 09, 2010, 22:20:49 pm »
DS was up for almost 2 hours last night :'(  120ml, followed by another 120ml.  Rolled around and couldn't settle.  One hour later, started crying and fussing more and then I asked if he wanted milk (I asked him several times with negative responses).  Then he really signed for it.  Downed another 180ml.  Finally he resettled and fell asleep. 

Has anyone of you experienced that at recovery from illness?

B: 2 slices of bread with pb+h
S: fruit @ daycare
L: bread (no idea how much)
s: yoghurt
S: crackers
D: 230g (baby food: potatoes with endives and beef + cauliflower, pork and corn) + cauliflowers from our plate and 2 bananas!! 
BT: 150ml
22:20  120ml

Hi Nelliestar, how old is your LO?

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #113 on: April 11, 2010, 20:41:24 pm »
Sorry I can't really help there - even when DS is recovering from illness we never feed him at night.  He has had a few sips of water a few times but that's all.

I have no idea what DS has *really* eaten over the past 2 days as I have been away and DH has been sole parent...I dread to think what else he's had apart from the things that DH has told me about...DS's 'wind' smells terrible!!!!  Not a good sign!

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #114 on: April 12, 2010, 02:00:05 am »
Chandler has been eating well lately, but not drinking enough. She's also obsessed with goldfish crackers.

B: a few bites of biscuit with jam and veggie sausage--wouldn't drink a new juice I bought
S: cereal bar at the zoo and some goldfish crackers, water
L: a few bites of spinach souffle and mixed veg; a couple of bites of baked tofu, milk
S: banana yogurt
D: (at restaurant) grilled cheese sandwich, corn with green peppers and onions, broccoli
Mom to Chandler McCrea born April 2, 2008

Offline mumofalice

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #115 on: April 12, 2010, 22:40:50 pm »
Bernie, the Greek takeaway included some pretty unhealthy fish and chips :) I remember once visitng Whitby when I was living in NE England. Supposed to be the best place for fish and chips in England at the time but *ahem* I found it a bit too oily for my taste;)

We were just south of Whitby (one of my fave places BTW  ;)) on Thurs at Bridlington. Not surprised the fish and chips were a bit oily for your taste me dear - am sure your Aussie palette isn't accustomed to the amount of fat us Brits eat - especially us Northern folk  ;) We need the extra layer of 'lard' to keep out the cold LOL! Didn't realise you'd lived in the UK - and how hard-core of you to live in the NE too - I am very impressed  :-*

So we've had an interesting few days - I *think* Alice is finally getting her 2nd year molars and it's causing her some discomfort . . . Friday was probably the worst day when she was at the CM - and she didn't nap more than 15 minutes either  :-\

B: crumpet with pear butter (couple of bites)

At CM:
S: muffin & milk
L: refused ALL - chicken nuggets, smiley face, yoghurt
S: yoghurt, water
S: refused banana & raisins . . . but then ate half a banana & the raisins when all the other LOs were having a bun and she wasn't allowed one cos she'd not eaten the healthy part of the snack  ::) So then she had a bun

At home:
D: refused dinner (chicken & pork pie with mix roasted veg & gravy)

I didn't offer anything else as she was so upset - put it down to OT. She was in bed at 6pm and didn't wake til 6.30am.

B: porridge with dried apple & raisins, diluted OJ
S: organix cereal bar, raisins (after swimming - she told me what to pack in the bag before we left!)
L: (at Great-Gran's) home-made butternut squash & veg soup with bread & butter, raspberries
S: none - hoping to get her to eat a decent dinner
D: sausage, bean & cabbage casserole - picked out sausage, beans & mushrooms left the cabbage  ::), yoghurt, pear, hot chocolate & biscuit

B: 2 x home-made banana & pear pancakes with yoghurt & honey (only ate 1 pancake), requested toast so shared a toasted bagel with me: half with marmite, half with honey, water
S: humzinger bar
L: spinach/kale gnocchi bake - ate a few bites, raspberries
S: dried apple crisps (ate a few), home-made ice lolly (ie frozen juice  ;))
D: 2 oatcakes with cream cheese (ate half of one), cheese cubes, bit of chorizo sausage, pear, juice, couple of bites of home-made mini carrot cake (left the rest  :o), mouthful of hot choc

B: 2 x home-made banana & pear pancakes with yoghurt & honey (only ate a couple of bites of pancake - but did manage all the yoghurt  ::)), few raspberries, OJ
S: yoghurt coated sesame snap - refused at first but asked for it later
L: kedgeree soup, slice of toast with cream cheese, pear
S: humzinger bar, juice
D: sausage, bean & cabbage casserole - did her usual trick of picking out the bits she likes to eat, but she also managed a couple of spoonfuls of the cabbage with a bit of encouragement (I said I'd never do it, but sometimes I do  :-[), home-made apple crumble & custard, hot choc and home-made mini carrot cake

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #116 on: April 13, 2010, 00:06:07 am »
Dinner tonight: grilled salmon, green beans, mushroom risotto (more! more!), a cup of blueberries. I finally bowed to the pressure and bought the expensive large container of the out-of-season fruit. How can I say no if my child wants to eat something that healthy?
Mom to Chandler McCrea born April 2, 2008

Offline MLK

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #117 on: April 13, 2010, 09:05:05 am »
Ashley - by the time blueberries are in season she will be sick of them! I remember when my ILs wanted to bring DS1 a cake and I told them to bring him a punnet of raspberries instead. Well they cost $9 and he gobbled them up in a minute.

Berniw - WHitby was lovely but somehow or other  Ialways equate the coast with sun - which is in short supply in NE England! I never did get used to the amount of grease and fried foods - was gobsmacked when I saw some chippies had served up leftover deep fried batter at the end of the day!

TOday we had a missive meltdown because he thoguht we were goign to the beach - well we did but met up with some other Mums so didn't get to the actual sand! Completely awful. He is cutting canines and I think the 2 yo molars are o nthe move too. We've had 2-3 NWs  for the last 2 nights so I was NOT in the mood for his lunchtime meltdown today.

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #118 on: April 13, 2010, 11:12:20 am »
1- do your los eat all those foods themselves, do you feed them?
2- how is the shape of the foods? i mean do you mash the foods or do you leave the food as an adults eat?

my lo is 17 m old and our caregiver insists on feed him by himself and mash the foods. she puts some foods for him to eat himself after i said but she give them during the lunch or snack time. on the other hand she continued to feed him. so my lo does not interest to the either finger foods or self eating?

i want that my lo eats the foods as we ate and feed himself. but i dont know how to do this without left him hunger?

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #119 on: April 13, 2010, 13:59:59 pm »
banu, at 14 months, we did a combination of self-feeding and parent-feeding. There were some things I would cut in small pieces and let her eat by herself, like avocado and tofu, but if anything was more messy or difficult, like yogurt, I would feed it to her. She didn't go to all self-feeding until about 20 months. She still has trouble getting the food at the bottom of the bowl out, so I occasionally "help".
Mom to Chandler McCrea born April 2, 2008