Today -
B - strawberries, small amount of readybrek, licked the marmalade of a slice of toast
S - after 'bounce' session - 1/2 my bacon sarnie, some goldfish, corn snacks, fruit puree, humzinger, some banana (so I wasn't too worried about the lack of breakfast!!!!!)
S - in the car on the way home after nipping into Asda - handful of blueberries and grapes
S - after lateish nap - apple, strawberries, blueberries, grapes
S - because he whinged for food about 45 minutes before food and then scoured his bag for something to eat - more goldfish and corn snacks
D - (finally!!) Quorn chilli, rice, and cheese, yoghurt, 2 toddler biscuits
(then he finished the day off with just over 8oz of milk!!)
Cathierine - even now I tend to give Ben the same dinner a couple of times in a row and then again the following week. He seems to eat a little tentatively the first time he has it if it's been a while, but then hoovers it up the next day. Ben loves casserole too. Other staples in our house are; ham, tomato and veg pasta; sweet potato curry with rice; and spag bol which are all great freezer meals. He's pretty good at eating whatever we eat now, but during the week it's easier for me to grab something from the freezer as DH doesn't get in until late so we eat after Ben has gone to bed. As for the sweet tooth, Berni had a great recipe for mini banana muffins that are brill - very easy to make and satisfy Ben's (and my) sweet tooth.
Amy - I would say that fairy cakes and cup cakes are essentially the same thing. Fairy cakes tend to be made of quite light sponge cake - I'm not sure about cupcakes though.