Author Topic: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5  (Read 63836 times)

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #405 on: June 08, 2010, 16:19:34 pm »
Have you ever tasted the stuff? I did, it is gross! I didn't blame Nathan for spitting it out after that!
It is quite vile.  I don't even like plain hot cereal now as an adult...can't blame him for not liking it either.

And Aaron likes the little Gerber Graduates star puffs, too; LOVES (and I mean LOOOOVES) the yogurt melts--I eat them, too :D--and the cheese sticks.  They're easy snack foods on the go.
*formerly tersaseda*


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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #406 on: June 08, 2010, 17:07:12 pm »
Matty (and his big sister) loves the yogurt melts too, though I buy the Happy Baby brand.

So Matty saw me eating soup for lunch and insisted on some and LOVED it. It was Healthy Choice reduced sodium chicken noodle and he had maybe 1/3 of a cup (some chicken, noodles and celery/carrots). Which is great but I'd rather than make soup. What are your favorite soup recipes that aren't too hard?
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #407 on: June 08, 2010, 17:46:10 pm »
I am going to have to find these yogurt melts; sounds like they are quite the treat. I did find organic whole wheat animal crackers last week, and Nathan really likes them. I tried one, and they are way better than I remember animal crackers being (and I liked them as a kid!).

I didn't mean to sound all snotty-Starbucks-mom-with-huge-sunglasses-and-high-heels with my organic whole wheat cookies, by the way. It just came out that way.

Karen... I love soup! I make awesome soup, if I do say so myself. I have posted a few on the menu planning board that have been popular with us and DS. I usually start with boiling a meat bone to make stock, but if you don't have that kind of time then just start with water and whatever kind of stock you want (chicken, beef, veggie, etc). I can post a few actual recipes for you when I come back on later. Did you have any particular kinds in mind?

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #408 on: June 08, 2010, 18:09:58 pm »
LOL Amy - we do organic whole wheat animal crackers too and I'm so NOT a big sunglasses, high heels Starbucks mom (though I do like a good latte once in a while)!

Would love some soup recipes. Probably won't have time to make my own stock but can try if it tastes much better. As for varieties, not sure. Maybe chicken noodle and/or vegetable? But any favorites welcome, thanks!
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #409 on: June 08, 2010, 18:34:13 pm »
I didn't mean to sound all snotty-Starbucks-mom-with-huge-sunglasses-and-high-heels with my organic whole wheat cookies, by the way. It just came out that way.

PMSL at that - I always wonder how you can be a Mum and do the whole heels, sunglasses make up, etc - but maybe that's because I was never like that before  :P I'm impressed if I leave the house without snot or food on my clothes (DD's not mine I hasten to add!). I do like a Starbucks cappucino - but I'm the mum with the hair scraped back wearing jeans, hoody and trainers (ie whatever fits me and is comfy) and if I've got sunglasses on it's because it really is sunny (so not that often then!)

B: bowl of cereal & milk (half shreddies half rice crispies - few CN cornflakes on the side), some milk to drink, mixed grapes, OJ
At CM:
S: raisins, water
L: fish fingers, smiley faces, chocolate mousse, juice
S: chocolate bun, water
At Home:
D: on the plate: roast chicken with roast potatoes, glazed roast carrots, peas & sweetcorn, onion gravy - ate 3 roast pots, couple of pieces of carrot, couple of mouthfuls of chicken, spoonful of peas & sweetcorn (not bad), yoghurt, banana, cherries, water, milk & popcorn ball (shared with me)

I've started asking Alice to at least try everything on her plate recently - as she's started saying 'no like it' to lots of things that I'm pretty sure that she does like as she's eaten them a million times before. She always picks out the bits she likes (for instance today she wolfed down the roast pots and said she was finished  ::)) but also does seem willing to try at least a bit of everything before I agree that she's finished. I know that she's not had enough to eat as she requests the yoghurt and fruit afterwards and as much as I don't like to 'reward' with food I find myself doing so a bit by saying you can have the yoghurt once you eaten a piece of X, Y and Z.  :P The toddler food debate will go on forever won't it? LOL

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #410 on: June 08, 2010, 19:12:13 pm »
I didn't mean to sound all snotty-Starbucks-mom-with-huge-sunglasses-and-high-heels with my organic whole wheat cookies, by the way. It just came out that way.
LOL--I am also NOT that mom....Actually I've also wondered how those types can still pull it off with kids. I am always 'thrown together' in whatever I can grab quickly enough. Hardly ever have time for makeup or hair and I misplace things like sunglasses like it's my job. Sheesh.

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #411 on: June 08, 2010, 19:33:15 pm »
Nicole - you sound like my kind of Mum-friend  :-*

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #412 on: June 08, 2010, 19:34:27 pm »
I didn't mean to sound all snotty-Starbucks-mom-with-huge-sunglasses-and-high-heels with my organic whole wheat cookies, by the way. It just came out that way.
LOL--I am also NOT that mom....Actually I've also wondered how those types can still pull it off with kids. I am always 'thrown together' in whatever I can grab quickly enough. Hardly ever have time for makeup or hair and I misplace things like sunglasses like it's my job. Sheesh.

Same here! And I BADLY need a hair cut
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #413 on: June 08, 2010, 19:36:51 pm »
Nicole - you sound like my kind of Mum-friend

Thanks :)

Same here! And I BADLY need a hair cut

SO glad that you ladies are here. Makes me feel so normal and sane.

Offline teilvnav

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #414 on: June 08, 2010, 19:44:17 pm »
Ha! I am in the right group, then. It is t-shirts and hoodies and ponytails around here, mostly; DH recently requested that I leave the yoga pants for when I am just hanging around the house. Or... not out with him. The nerve! Just because I wore them instead of maternity pants when I was preggo, and then for the first entire year of our son's life...

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #415 on: June 08, 2010, 21:11:24 pm »
I'm STILL wearing my maternity goggers and jeans - for comfort I might add, not because I'm still preggo size!! (although, also partly because I havent ever gone back to the skinny me I was before so don't fit in anything else I own!!) ;)
Catherine x

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #416 on: June 08, 2010, 21:14:05 pm »
Oh, and back to the matter in hand.....

B - 1 weetabix
S - 1/2 banana
L - cottage pie, pot of pureed fruit
S - ginger bread man and some raisins
D - more cottage pie, yogurt and a breadstick

Ate really well today compared to recent days, hopefully this means the teeth are not causing so much pain and I might actually get some sleep tonight! Goodnight all! :)
Catherine x

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #417 on: June 08, 2010, 21:22:08 pm »
Ha, I haven't. I still have a few extra pounds... but it is mostly that I am a different shape now, so my old clothes look funny/don't fit properly. But yeah... the extra pounds don't help.

Not to change the topic (I DO love the side conversations that develop!), but today Nathan ate:
B: whole wheat toast and an entire fried egg (HUGE breakfast for him!)
S: a banana and a few cheerios
L: cheddar cheese, raisins, cheerios, and a toddler biscuit
S: a few more raisins and some more cheese (out)
D: roasted veggies with a bit of olive oil, garlic, and fresh herbs (turnips, carrots, and potatoes)

He ate a huge breakfast, and I think it was due to letting him try ketchup for the first time! I squirted a bit on his plate on a whim, and showed him how to dip his egg and toast chunks in it. Um... huge hit. He would oh-so-carefully dip his bites in and then smack his lips saying "yum" as he ate. It was too, too cute! Too bad ketchup won't be a staple, since it has so much sugar and salt! It can be a treat once in a while, though.

Will be back later with soup recipes.

Ha ha, Catherine, posted at the same time!

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #418 on: June 08, 2010, 21:27:39 pm »
He He He - I've not had my hair cut in over a year!! And I'm sat typing this in baggy jeans and DHs t-shirt.

As for those high heeled, sunglass wearing mothers, I have a theory...nannies!!

We bought some of those star puff things when we were on holiday and some yoghurt melts.  We all (extended family included) like the puffs - they remind me of Rainbow drops that I used to get from the sweet shop as a child!  DS loves the yoghurt melts - me not so much though; I find they dry my mouth out.  I should add here that it is of course the law to taste all of the snacks bought for one's son, particularly if they look yummy!

Today for Ben.
B - shreddies, strawberries, toast and marmalade
S - raisins, few corn snacks found in the bottom of my bag ::)
L - pb and cheese sandwich (his latest food 'find'), chicken, blueberries, grapes
S - 1/2 hot x bun, 1/2 an apple
D - Cod fish cake, peas, carrots (most of which he picked out and gave back to me), yoghurt + pear pot, few yog coated raisins, 2 toddler biscuits

Depressingly I was slimmer/a smaller clothes size/lighter the day after I gave birth to Ben than I am did THAT happen????

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #419 on: June 08, 2010, 22:00:54 pm »
I am trying to lose about 8-10 more pounds. At least it's not as bad as I was after DD. I was ok right after she was born but then gained a lot - she had bad reflux and I was up with her a lot, meaning eating chocolate in middle of night and not really exercising! I lost 33+ pounds in between having the two kids and gained about 24 pregnant with DS. I've been running 3-4 times a week and walking a lot and doing light weight training - but I'm hungry a lot and have poor metabolism!


Holy teething batman! Biting everything, tantrums over everything, fever... But oddly eating. Today was:

B: cantaloupe and blueberries, half an apple cereal bar
L: homemade whole wheat pizza with cheese and grated carrots, most of a yogurt, some of my soup
D: broccoli potato pancake, more pizza (regular takeout this time) at DD's Hebrew school orientation
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01