Jamie, I'm so sorry to hear that you are struggling with the same issues, but at the same time, I must admit I'm glad that I'm not alone in this. Sometimes I feel like I've just been a terrible mommy. DD1 thrived on bw and sttn very early, thanks to a great routine and sleep training. But, I, sometimes feel as if maybe DS2 has had less attention and less routine, less of everything and somehow that has translated into bad sleep patterns. But, I'm starting to feel that it has a lot to do with temperment as much as anything else. From day 1, DS2 has always been a more "difficult" baby. Great disposition, generally, but much more prone to cry, more colicky, more needy, etc. I have to admit, I'm not surprised that DS has sleep problems, but I'm starting to accept the fact that it's not all my fault. Thanks for jumping on. We can definitely help each other.
Yes, you are definitely right about the SA. DS can't stand it when I leave. He plays independently in my line of sight, but if he seems me leave, it's instant cry. I've actually started to turn him away from me before I leave the room for a few minutes to just go to the bathroom or do simple tasks. He popped two teeth, but sleep habits are still bad, so I'm sure teeth exagerated an all-ready bad situation, but I'm ruling that out as the main culprit.
But, I was meaning to ask you, with regards to developmental milestones. Is your DD really active, physical when you put her down? I feel like DS is sooooo active. He's always fighting everything. If I pick him up, he pulls against me, arches his back, kicks, squirms, but doesn't cry. He eventually calms down so I can rock him. Yet, at the same time, if I put him down, he's not happy either and kicks and squirms on the floor or in his crib, only he cries and cries. Sometimes I feel like I can't win. So, when he has his NWs, I'm dreading it, wondering how long it will take me to get him settled enough so he would fall back asleep. Half the time, I'm hoping I won't drop him as he worms around in my arms. I feel like I can't even properly sleep train, can't sh/pt in crib because he's squirming, screaming; pu/pd used to work but now just agitates him and everything escalates. It's like...uh... where did I go wrong? Now, I can't even go back to swaddle. Way too old for that and he's too strong for swaddle now, anyway.
Well, anyway, I'm sure I wasn't much help with your situation, but I hope that you get a nap in, maybe when your lo goes down for her nap? Sending sleepy sand!