Thanks for the reassurance on the sweating. My immune deficiency fellows say it's also very common with an immune issue too.
So today did NOT go as planned!!
DS napped 1hr 10mins from 11.50am so pretty good going considering I thought he may short nap due to early nap etc. My plan was to have him in bed for 6.15pm in the hope he fell asleep for 6.30pm hoping that maybe if we could catch up on some sleep things *may* just get better... I'm forever hopeful! BUT my mother turned up at 5.30pm. She goes away tomorrow and wanted to see him before she goes, to say I was annoyed is an undertstatement!!
So he went to bed at 6.35pm (not too bad going I didn't think) but it took him nearly an hour to fall asleep

and I wonder why I feel like I am banging my head against a brick wall !!!
I know tonight we missed the sleepy window and I am going to *try* and make a conscious effort to get him into bed sooner. Yesterday taught me he can fall asleep at an A time of 5hrs 40mins after an hr and 50min nap in his tired state that when he naps only a little over an hour I need to get him to bed sooner.
I know this routine tweak probably won't cure the problem but I do believe that the last few nights have been worse from even more OT'ness iyswim?