I wouldn't worry about the apop. Yes that is a few days in a row but we drop ALL apop the minuet we walk through the doors of our house no MATTER how long we had to do it. She understands it does NOT EVER happen in our house. Just when we aren't home. So its routine for her to do it when away but not home. That's her norm.
Sophie will totally get it as long as you drop it EVERY time the minuet you walk in the door. There are rules for away and rules for home. If she gets a bit used to it and wants it at home, it can be cleared up with just a bit of wi/wo or whatever works for her... pretty sure wi/wo is best for Sophie.
TBH the older Anna gets the more loose I become about things when around family. I now let her stay up to participate in everything. I don't want her to lose time with her family and miss memories. So as she gets older I let her do a little more later with famly for special times.
I would get all the info so you can make a 'ideal plan' and a 'back up' plan. That way you are comfortable if you do in fact let her stay up later to participate in things. Around 18 months is when I started making 'exceptions' although I wouldn't do it very many times in a row if she wasn't tolerating it well. You must watch how she's doing with it all. She might just surprise you and tolerate it well and get right back to routine in no time.

She's getting to quite a social age.. she's going to love all of the attention!!!
Like I said I always have two plans. Ideal and a back up. And I try to loosen up when I know its important.
Anna-Li is now 2 and Jace is 6 months. Jace is back to sleeping like a champ! 12-13 hrs at night and 2 naps a day. I'm learning to be more flexible with him and he's surprising me by tolerating a bit pushing A time while we are out doing something for Anna.

I cant' do it too many days in a row but he can tolerate a bit of pushing 2-3 days a week... He's a angel/textbook baby.