Have you ruled out anatomy issues looking for anything? Do you have a gi or just an allergist at this point? We tried a lot of the foods on dr sear's list. MANY were not good for H. Low salicylate helped us a lot. (Our gi knew about salicylates, but the first allergist did not; second did, but I had to ask specifically his knowledge of this area prior to making an apt). We did have a raging reflux problem as well as food intollerance.
As far as the unsettled behavior... Have you tried any other meds (were they any better/worse?). Was there ever a period that was better on the meds? MARCI has a lot of good info on dosing and learning about how the med works. We administered the meds in a way that would give us the most benefit (following all the info/suggestions on MARCI-Kids). Losec is omeprazole (from what I can see), so you can read through the administration info for PPIs. A lot of the info there WAS NOT on our drug info sheet. It didn't even tell us to administer it prior to feedings. :-( WE also followed the guidelines for recommended dosing on MARCI, and then gave meds three times a day (and gave it an hr before eating). It wasn't until we started following marci's guidelines when H was 9 mo; then we had a sttn and a happier baby. Wendy, the former crc mod, mentioned that site to me. http://www.marci-kids.com/medications.html
Because of some bfing issues, I went to formula (alimentum, a hypoallergenic) at about a month. No other formulas worked, so I think he was mspi. I give you so much credit (and all the other moms who are bfing on such a limited diet). I didn't know about what to avoid (my dr never suggested changing my diet; BAZOINKS!). I didn't find bw until H was 5 mo, so I didn't find the info/support until way too late for bfing.
I assume you are already using all the nonmedical things to keep more upright, sleeping on an angle of at least 30 degrees, not feeding prior to laying down, perhaps a paci. Trying to think of anything else that may help get you through this time until you have things more figured out.
OH, and the best read that I found and actually helped ME figure out the reflux issue was the book "Colic Solved". It helped me wade quickly through some possible scenarios that could be happening gi wise. http://www.amazon.com/Colic-Solved-Essential-Infant-Difficult/dp/0345490681/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1300909528&sr=8-1