I have actually been dairy, soy, wheat, eggs, citrus fruits and nuts free for 2 weeks now. (Milk and eggs for 4 weeks.)
You would think things would be getting much better, and you would be seeing some improvement even over a week, if these were the issues.
With reflux, it could be a *part* of the problem; not the whole problem. With the hoarseness, coughing, congestion, I just wonder. And of course, H was on 15 mg of prevacid (ppi) from 4/5-9 months. The wakings were off the wall until we followed marci. 8-14 nwings with a 2 hr one while we were feeding at night. :-( All of this gone with a med adjustment.
Can you get to a gi or allergist? As I said, I wish I had just made the apt and bypassed our pedi. The gi was much better at being a problem solver and giving us options and next steps to try to solve the problem. My hope is that some expert eyes can help. I just don't want anything else to be overlooked.
I know 4 weeks sounds like a lot of crying. I completely understand what ever you decide on the bfing. I couldn't hang in there after a month or so. I did use thte Dr. Browns bottles; I found they were the best for H for gas. In fact a lot of moms use those for their refluxy los. I did use the bornfree bottles, too, but changed the inserts to dr. browns.