Charli, constipation was the huge issue for us with DD too, DS is the opposite, hence the GF trial. Honestly though, the diet feels restricted to you because you can see other foods that you would normally be introducing, but your LO won't realise there is anything missing
Liz, yeah teething gets a bit rough here too although it's mainly flaring her wind, as long as I ensure she has water she isn't getting too blocked now
For us (or DH really) it's getting the kids off the meds which is a priority, or at least trying.....personally I am not so worried about them being on it, but I need to respect DHs opinion and for him he would prefer us to be on a more limited diet and have them meds free...which is why we are trying to wean them before we do reintroductions.
Teething really does make it hard though doesn't it?
How is C going on the yogurt now Kara?
Lots of love to you all