Hi! I posted the below on the NW's board. It was suggested that I could come here for some extra support re: the 3-2 nap transition. Just to update the below position, yesterday DD went 2h50m in the morning and 2h40m in the afternoon re: A time. I cut the CN which resulted in EBT which is fine BUT I nearly had a meltdown on my hands as she hit the 3h mark and I really had to struggle to get her to take her BT bottle - I think that was because she was OT or I guess there's a chance it was because it came just 2.5h after last bottle (She would normally have it around 3pm but had it at 3.40pm on account of the later afternoon nap)
Last night she woke at 12.30am, had a 2min chat and then went off til 6am, back off at 6.20 and awake at 6.50. So not bad at all really. I think I will try what i did yesterday and if she only naps for 1.5h each nap again I think i will have to offer the CN (albiet around 5.30 - a bit late I know) and a later BT?
? I just can't do yesterday's BT again today, it was horrible. She was soooo upset and just didn't know what to do with herself.
Sorry if I am rambling, just feel a bit lost.... am I doing the right thing.. aaarrggh!!!!
Anyway, thanks for reading this and any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated
This was my original post:
My LO has recently started waking at night. She doesn't fuss. Simply chats away, for sometimes up to an hour, and then goes back off. I have tried changing her nappy (just incase) - it makes no difference.
The night before last she woke at 1.15am and last nit at 1.45am. When she has done it previously, it was around the 2am mark. I was initaill concerned that the waking may be habitual, but given the varying times, I'm thinking probably not?
The only other change of signifance is the DF went 3nights ago. But this was done gradually, and she is not waking hungry, simply to have a chat. When i have gone in (thinking dirty nappy) she's laid with her bear who she loves dearly on herhappily chattering away. When i have lifted her out of her cot to change her nappy she is really excited to see me (though i do not respond at all nor speak to her) and acts as though I'm there to get her up as i would in the morning.
Maybe, given she doesn't fuss, I am fussing about nothing, but I am concerned that her night's sleep is being disrupted.
He usual routine is:
up@6.30- 7am
bottle- 7-7.15
solids- 8.30
nap- 9.15-9.30 (1.5hrs)
bottle- 11-11.15
solids- 12.30
nap- 1.15-1.30 (1.5h)
bottle- 3-3.15
solids- 4.30
CN - 5-5.15 (25m)
bath - 6pm
bottle- 6.15pm
BT- 7pm (at latest - is usually shattered by then)
Re: her monring nap she more often than not wakes herself. In the afternoon i wake her after 1.5h and she is yawining again by 4pm. Should i perhaps try leaving her so she has a 2hour nap in the afternoon and see it I get her to push through to bedtime without a CN?
Oh am starting to feel like I haven't got a clue again.... HELP!!!!
All views/ advice welcome!!
Thanks in advance