She slept at my mums last night and my mum had her in bed for 7.15pm like i said but apparently Sophie decided to play around, my mum laid with her for an hour then took her downstairs and she ended up falling asleep around 10.00pm but slept until 5.45am. So i really short just under 8hr night!
The day before when she had a 40min nap, she was asleep for 6.30pm, we had 4 wake ups, but she was up for the day at 7.00am so a 12.5 night. x
She fell asleep in the car on the way home from my mums (2min drive away.) about 11.15am then went into her cot fine - will do a 2hr nap unless she wakes herself before then.
I've also changed the title of the thread as she'll be 18 months on saturday. x