Yes i did finally get a nap at 1535 and of course he was OT and woke after 25 min.
I know that i need to reduce A times after short naps but I thought that 2hrs would be the right amount of A time because we did 2hrs A time for the nap before and got a UT nap.
Last night was not good at all. I think he was really OT after having such a short last nap and he was also in a really fussy mood all day (teething maybe?) and i think it just continued into the night.
this is how the rest of the day and our night went:
S-1535-1605 (tried to put down to sleep at 1445, fell asleep for 1 min. then popped eyes open and was ready to play) After 2hr50 A
A-1605-1840 (incl. WD)
NW-2140 (wouldn't fall back asleep with paci, BF instead of DF)
NW-2220 (wouldn't fall back asleep with paci, tossing and turning, sleeping for 15 min. then waking again (happened 3 times), BF again and finally settled)
NW-0220 (wouldn't fall back asleep with paci, crying hysterically, BF)
NW-0430 (wouldn't fall back asleep with paci, crying hysterically, BF)
each time at night he took a fair amount of BF so he woke this morning not hungry at all!
W-0640 but got him up at 0650 (i am thinking an A time of 2 hrs since yesterday worked well but i dont know if it was 1hr45 or 2hr15
