Hiya, just saw this and thought I'd tag along
Do any of you bother pumping for when you won't be there at the usual feed time(s)? Until about a month ago, I was pumping for a mid-morning feed at the CM for the three days a week when I work. Then it just got to the point where I wasn't able to keep up any more, I guess I just stopped letting down for the pump. So I tried DD on cow's milk, having suspected she might have issues with it, and indeed she did, but now it seems that a2 milk is ok so she just has that at the CM now.
That mid-morning bf is going with the morning nap now anyway, so pretty much just down to the two feeds. But I still miss at least one BT per week and pump for that, getting 1oz per pumping session unless it's after the late day at work, in which case I might get 2oz. I think DH gives her 4-5oz, which she seems to be happy with. I guess I feel that on the one hand, she's still getting used to the a2 milk so I don't want to introduce it at BT just yet, and on the other, I think it was when I stopped pumping for missed BT feeds with DS, that my supply dropped so low that he no longer saw the point in feeding, which I felt a bit sad about, but we still achieved my 'goal'/hope of 2 years
Anyway, to get to the point - am I being really silly doing all this pumping, should I just stop all that and give her a2 when I'm not there and not worry about missed feeds and my supply? I am beginning to feel a bit silly now
Oh and does anyone else offer cow's milk as well as the bfs, or is that overkill?? Never an issue with DS as he never liked the stuff anyway