Reflux 101 - General reflux information
Is the Gaviscon helping at all?
Hi sorry it takes me so long to reply, we have gone away to the far east to visit DS's great grandma. His feeding has since then gone from bad to worse, now i am happy just to get 5 oz in him each feed.
I have tried the gaviscon for a few days and i havenn't noticed any differences so I stopped after 3days.
The aptimal peptit is the only one he tried and I think you might be right, he doesn't like the taste of it, I used to mix my EBM with the formula and he took it ok in the beginning but as my milk supply dries up, he get more and more difficult to feed. I tried water the aptamil down a bit to dilute the taste and I thik it helped a bit. I can't really change the formula for at least the next week or so as we won;t be back til end of the month.
I have another post on the allergy forum and one of the mums suggested coconut milk as a source of calcium and wondered if I could try and mix some of it in the formula to mask the taste so he will drink a bit more??
The podee looks like a really good idea because he likes to look around when feeding and the bottle gets in the way, will definitely give that a try and getting one on order. Thanks for this suggestion as I have no idea they even exist!!:)