Smurfette, I laid her down for her CN or 3rd nap, and she tried to go to sleep bless her but was getting so wound up after 15 minutes that I plopped her in the carrier as I could tell she was not going to go for her nap at all. She was out in 10 minutes.
How long I wait totally depends on her cry. Sometimes it is 30 seconds, sometimes 2-3 minutes. If she is really intense I go right in of course.
WHen I go in the procedure is the same, I speak when I enter the room "Mama's here, you are OK, it's sleepytime" Walk to the crib, give her her lovey, maybe lay my hand on her, sit on my stool beside the crib and speak if she needs it, sometimes in the night she needs a hand on her in the daytime it usually distracts her. Resettling during the day time is really tough now, pretty much doesn't work. Night time when I do the above, she usually rolls around with her lovey, maybe burbles, grumbles which I don't respond too. I try not to even speak unless it is an upset cry.
What do you think??
Oh, hugs for you! I didn't know Ivy had a secret twin out there somewhere
. To get her over the 10.5 hour hump she seems to have ( DS had it too) I just feed her, AP? Yes. Sustainable? Probably not... But it will get her some more sleep which is what we are REALLY needing right now. So far this night has been better. How long are you holding those A''s? I have had to be sure to go with this plan for several days. Have you given 2.5 5 days or so? If both naps are done can you AP a CN later in the day to get to a decent BT? I know, a CN at 9 months seems insane but if you look at what Smurfette has been helping me with we have had several 3 naps days... Anyway, best of luck to you, and I will certainly help you if I can!