Yes, we're still doing 3.5 Hrs of A. And naps are an hour to an hour fifteen at the most. This was yesterday:
Everett A at 3:00, I put him in the bed with me and fought with him and he dozed until 6:30. Elijah was already in bed with me and he woke on and off all night. He immediately woke at 6:30 also even without sleeping much through the night.
2nd A 6:30
S 10:00
A. 11:00
S 2:30
A 3:30
S 6:55
Today so far:
A 6:30
S 10:00
A 11:15
S. 2:45
A. 3:30, but they dozed a little more until 3:45ish
Shooting for a BT of 7:00.
Everett has a little tooth eruption today. First day ive seen the redness and little chicklet trying to pop up. Still nothing with Elijah but he's more fussy this week like Everett was last week. So, I guess they start to really suffer the week before any eruptions? Everett doesn't appear to be really affected by it though. Noses are still runny too.
Developmentally, Everett is cruising and Elijah's trying to pull up but it's harder for him since he combat crawls and is pulling up from a laying position. He's been able to do it several times so maybe thats part of his issue too. During the day they're doing a lot of "follow the leader" and mocking each other. Which is a fun game and really cute until they are following the other one's lead in crying!
I actually wrote my last post last night before bed but it didn't post until this morning. My internet was down. So let me update on last night. Last night they both slept sound until 12:30ish. Elijah woke first and then Everett woke. Inconsolable. DH took Everett out of the room to get him back to sleep. I stayed with Elijah. I didn't get him out of the crib, but talked and did shush pat. Both boys were back to sleep and in their beds around 1:20. Elijah woke again at 4:10. I went in and did shush pat and talked. Everett woke. I dealt with both of them bouncing back and forth between both cribs doing shush pat and PD with Everett. He fell asleep with elijah still fussy. He woke again before Elijah finally settled to sleep. I was able to talk to both and shush pat successfully even when both were at their worst, so I guess it's not impossible for them to get back to sleep in the same room and I survived too. I don't know how long this took because I just curled up on the floor and slept in their room until they woke again at 6:30. I'm guessing it was over about 5:30.
I use white noise every night, if I didn't they would always wake from each other and household noises. This morning at its worst, I turned up the volume all the way. It was pretty loud in there but I think it helped getting them to calm because there were times I couldn't shush loud enough to cover both boys fussing. Well, I have another crib that I could put upstairs. It's not ideal so I was trying to give this a go in their room again. One of the reasons it was so easy to put them in the bed with me was because I had to work some this week. I'm going to try it a few more days before I give in and move Elijah out again. Last night gave me a little momentum to keep at it.
They're both pretty fussy this afternoon so I might have to play it safe and try for a BT around 6:45 since they seem OT already. Also, since sippy cups were going so well, I took away bottles. They didn't seem to notice or care, but maybe it could have something to do with it?