Author Topic: 10 month old has been waking at night  (Read 4985 times)

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Offline bohbizzie

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10 month old has been waking at night
« on: August 29, 2013, 02:30:27 am »
My almost 6-month old had been more or less sleeping through the night for the past 1.5 - 2 months (from 7/730 - 7am, with 1 DF). About 3 weeks ago, he came down with the flu and started waking many times over the course of the night - I BF him each time he woke. He's been well for the past week, but the NWs continue, usually about 3-4am and we'll be up trying to soothe him for 1-2hours before he sleeps again till 7am. I've resisted BF-Ing him at night and instead use the pacifier and patting to soothe him.

I still try as much as possible to stick with the routine posted below, in the hope that one day he'll go back to sleeping through the night. Of the past 3 weeks, he slept from 7-7 on 2 nights (no variation from normal routine on those nights)

How old is your child?
25 weeks (a week shy of 6 months)

What’s his/her daily routine?

WU: 7
E: 7-730
S: 9-11 (1.5-2hr nap, but we usually have to pat him to help him transition to next sleep cycle)

E: 11/1130 (BF)
E: 12 (Solids)
S: 130-3 (30mins - 1.5hrs)

E: 3/3.30 (BF)
S: 4.00-5.00 (30-45mins)
E: 5.30 (90ml formula)
E: 6 (Solids)
A: Bathtime by 630
E: 645/7, followed by
S: 7-730


What’s nap routine?

Bring into darkened room or put into ergo carrier if out, stick pacifier in and pat to sleep. Put down in crib once eyes close.

How long are naps?

30mins - 2hrs. Naps are shorter when outdoors

What's bedtime routine? Time?

Bath, change, breastfeeding then sleep. If he falls asleep on the breast ill unlatch him and put him in his crib. If he doesn't and starts whining when on the breast, I'll put him back in his crib (sometimes with a pacifier if he opens his mouth) and he will toss and turn anywhere from 5mins - 40 mins before sleeping.

Do you bottle or breastfed??

Both. Mostly BF, except for 530pm feed and DF

How much? or how long?

If bottle, 4ozs (he won't take anymore). If BF, about 5-8 mins on one side. (I have only breastfed on one side since the supply on my other side is extremely low/nonexistent)

If breastfed.. one side or both?? (at each feed)

As above.

How many wakes per night?


What’s your LO like when waking at night? How long is he/she up?

Starts off whimpering then escalates after awhile. Occasionally able to put himself back to sleep within 5 mins, but if that doesn't happen, his cries escalate and he starts tossing and turning and kicking his legs frantically.

When you go to him/her is she fussing or crying? Or is it a mantra cry?

Fussing or crying, depending on when I go in. I usually don't go in too soon, until it escalates to crying.

What have you tried to settle??

Pacifier, and patting although I have to almost pin him down to pat him because he keeps tossing and turning. I try not to feed him because its not the hungry cry. Sometimes, when I've tried for 1-1.5 hrs and he can't settle, my husband will go in and do the same thing and can get our son to sleep within 15-20 mins,

What do you do for A time and how long is it?

Bath, eating solids, tummy time, jumper to and play gym, walks around the park and shopping malls, TV sometimes.

In mornings, A time is about 2hrs. In afternoons, 2-3 hrs.

Are there developmental issues such as teething or milestones?

No teething, but he has been trying to sit.

Have you introduced cereal? Why, how much, and how many times a day? (for LO’s under 6 months)

Yes. Feed him veggie at 12pm (2tbsps) and cereal at 6pm (2tbsps mixed with 1 oz formula). He appeared ready for food and as advised by lead. His NWs started before I introduced the evening feed, but it could also have been because of his illness then.

Also started solids at noon for more than a month and no issues initially.

Do they have a prop? If so what is it?

Pacifier (if pacifier drops out he still continues sleeping though) which calms him and helps him to sleep.
During naps, we hold and pat him to sleep before putting him down.

Do they have a lovie?


Any advice on what should or shouldn't be done is appreciated! I'm back at work next week (after a 6montb hiatus) and my job is very stressful so I don't know how I would survive on so little sleep. Thanks in advance!

« Last Edit: January 07, 2014, 23:01:19 pm by bohbizzie »

Offline PaulsMom

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Re: Almost 6 month old has been waking at night
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2013, 10:55:12 am »
Hugs for the nw's.  there are a couple of things that could be at play here....

Wrt his routine, he may be approaching the 3-2 nap transition.  To drop the CN, his a will have to increase so you might want to try increasing it by 10 min or so and see how he does over a few days.  Then another 10 min increase is needed until he up for around 2.5 hrs.  On days when he short naps, a CN may be needed to get him to bt.  If he has good naps, you may find that he still needs a slightly earlier bt until his As are long enough.

You also might want to move his df earlier.  It was recommended by Tracy to do the df before 11 or you may be disrupting his sleep later on.

Wrt solids, you might want to give them in the morning only. If he does have an upset tummy, it will like to occur during the day and not ruin nt sleep.

Lastly, there is a 6 mo gs, so just be prepared for extra feeds.


Offline bohbizzie

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Re: Almost 6 month old has been waking at night
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2013, 12:17:00 pm »
thanks! We've been away on a short trip so haven't really been following up on the routine.
Will definitely take your advice on and will keep you posted on how he goes. He definitely is able to go for much longer before getting tired - sometimes when we keep him awake 2.5-3 hours, he goes to sleep more easily without fight. :)

Offline PaulsMom

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Re: Almost 6 month old has been waking at night
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2013, 15:18:13 pm »
Keep us posted!  Sounds like he likes the longer A.

Offline bohbizzie

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Re: Almost 6 month old has been waking at night
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2013, 01:34:02 am »
day 1 back on his routine and we tried for longer A this time around. He had a mega almost-3 hour nap in the AM then went the rest of the day with only another 45 min nap. Went down for bed just before 7pm, but woke again at 9pm (where i nursed him) and 1.35am (where my husband fed him and he drank 4 ozs), and slept till 7am.

Do you think that he's possibly still needing those night feeds again, thats why hes waking?
And any suggestions on how I might be able to help him "tank up" for the night? I have since dropped the 5.30pm formula feed because after taking that he's too full to take the 7pm bedtime feed. During the day, when I give him bottle instead of nursing him, he doesn't take more than 4ozs (120ml) at one go even though I prepare a bottle of 130-150ml. I always felt 4ozs per feed at his age seems a bit little...

Thanks in advance!

Offline PaulsMom

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Re: Almost 6 month old has been waking at night
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2013, 01:56:22 am »
All in all, that's pretty good.  I would repeat the same A for the next few days and see how he does.

It is common for babies this age to take a night feed (or 2).  There is also a gs that occurs around 6 months so it's possible that he's going through that.  He is getting lots of food during the later part of the day.  how much solids is he taking?  When you bf him, is he feeding from one side or both?

Offline bohbizzie

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Re: Almost 6 month old has been waking at night
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2013, 09:36:52 am »
he's taking 2 ozs of veggie/fruit purée in the early afternoon, and 2 - 3 tbsp of cereal mixed with formula at 530pm although I have cut that out past few days to see if gas could be a problem. I don't think it is, so will prob reintroduce that today.

When I bf him, it's only from 1 side, but that's because my other side has very very little milk and he refuses the other side

Keeping fingers crossed :)

Offline PaulsMom

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Re: Almost 6 month old has been waking at night
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2013, 11:26:40 am »
Fx!  The amount that he's eating is alright.  Do keep in mind that milk or formula is more calorie dense than solid food.  You might want to give him the cereal at breakfast and skip dinner to see if he takes more milk.

Offline bohbizzie

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Re: Almost 6 month old has been waking at night
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2013, 03:41:59 am »
I've made the following changes to his routine:- give him cereal in the AM instead of before bedtime, reimplemented the 120ml bottle at 530pm (I.e BF at 3/330, bottle at 530, BF at 7).

Unfortunately, his nap times seem to be getting very erratic. Usually only 1/2hr, never more than 1 hour. Sometimes he takes two very short (20min) naps between feeds. I can't really tell if he is OT or UT?  I have kept the 645/ 7pm bedtime and he falls asleep relatively quickly but continues to wake for 1-2 more times in addition to the DF. If he wakes around 9plus 10plus, I'll feed him and not do the DF, then he'll wake 1-2 more times at night. If hes not attended to within 10 mins, he starts wailing and thats when we'll try to calm him other than by nursing but he gets frantic and cries even harder (until usually I nurse him and he drinks for about 5-10 mins before falling back to sleep).

I think there are probably a whole host of issues here. Any advice is appreciated! :) thanks loads!!

Offline PaulsMom

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Re: Almost 6 month old has been waking at night
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2013, 11:26:24 am »
Hugs Hun.  Some babes will need to eat during the night after a gs.  Do you think he's taking a full feed?  (Sorry hard to tell because they can eat fast at night especially when there are no distractions).  If its a full feed, then you should feed him.  During the day, see if he can take more calories but it is hard when their tummies are so tiny.

If its for comfort, then you can try to wean either by not feeding at all and trying to settle without a feed (eg. with a paci or Pu/pd) or by gradually reducing the size of the feed (probably done best with a bottle) or by diluting the milk (ie. start off with regular formula and then gradually add less formula and dilute with water and keep the same volume).

Offline bohbizzie

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Re: Almost 6 month old has been waking at night
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2013, 20:40:22 pm »
hi! It's been about a month since my last response. Baby has since popped 2 teeth and went through a period of absolute crankiness in the day (although his nights remained more or less the same). We have since dropped his DF (went cold turkey) when we realized he wasn't drinking much of it. So now our day goes something like this

Our EASY at 7 months goes like this:-

WU 7am
E 715-730am
E (solids) 845/9
S 930-1130 (thereabouts) Naps for 1h15mins - 2hrs
E 1130-1145
E (solids) 1
S 215/230 - 330/4 Naps for 1h15mins to 2 hours (if outside maybe only 30 mins)
E 330-4
E (solids) 530
E 715-730
S 730

From there, baby will wake either once or twice a night. We managed to wean him off the breast/milk by feeding him water and that puts him to sleep but it seems that he will now only go back to sleep with water. We tried ssshh pat because whenever we pick him up from his crib he starts wailing even harder. He typically wakes at the 3.30 am, and sometimes around 1130 as well.

Any advice? Thanks!!

Offline PaulsMom

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Re: Almost 6 month old has been waking at night
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2013, 02:29:01 am »
Well his napping looks really good.  Wrt the nw's, do you think that the 3:30 nw is habitual?  If yes, you could try wake to sleep.  How to address habitual wakings (w2s and other methods)

Offline bohbizzie

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Re: Almost 6 month old has been waking at night
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2013, 17:43:32 pm »
I've observed that his NW can now be anytime over the course of the night now....night before it was 2am, then 4am, tonight 1am so id rule out habitual waking.

I've also observed that he doesn't drink much at his 7pm bedtime feed - most of the time he will be disinterested after 3-4mins of breastfeeding. When we feed him by the bottle he stops drinking anywhere between 60-80ml. Do you think this could be the reason for the nw? Should I try topping up (re instituting the dream feed)?  Or let him drink some before his bath and top up at 7pm? It seems to be a fair amount he's taking in between 330-7pm though with a full feed anywhere from 330-4, full meal of solids at 530 and milk again at 715 or so. He goes back to sleep during his nw by drinking water though?

Thanks in advance!

Offline PaulsMom

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Re: Almost 6 month old has been waking at night
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2013, 23:33:41 pm »
Hmmmm.. Sorry I have a bunch of questions.  Is he just waking once during the night?  How much water is he taking when he wakes in the MOTN?  How is he being settled at night? (Is it with water?)

When he took a df, was he waking up around that time for a df or was he basically asleep for that feed?  Around this age, Tracey recommended to think about dropping the df as it could disrupt the sleep.  However some moms do continue the df for a few more months.   I'm kind of hesitant to re introduce the df.  But I'm wondering if he's thirsty at night?  At this point I think I'd try the extra top up before bed to see if that resolves the problem.

Offline bohbizzie

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Re: Almost 6 month old has been waking at night
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2013, 00:27:44 am »
he wakes once, sometimes twice in the motn and takes anywhere between 1-4 oz of water to settle to sleep. So id feed water until he gets drowsy then pop the paci in. You're right he could just be thirsty...

when we used to do dream feed, most of the time he'd be asleep still but when he woke around DF time we'd just feed him then.