My DD is nearly 17 months now and is usually an independent sleeper and has been since around 6 months. She has always gone to sleep well and on her own at nap time and thankfully still continues to do so. In recent months she was in the habit of falling asleep on the bottle but I had managed to stop this and she would fall asleep with me either doing WI/WO or gradual retreat (I adapted it, depending on how upset she was). However, also over the last few months she has had a cold, one after the other and I have at times had to APOP her to sleep. After each illness we have been able to go back to the sleep training though so I haven’t been so worried as we have managed to get back on track (although not for long until the next cold struck – ugh).
In recent weeks she has also had 3 molars cut (one has still not fully cut yet so I’m aware that this could still be bothering her and we are giving her meds before bed). She had a cold at the same time as the 3 teeth cutting and last week, once two had fully cut and her cold had passed, I thought I would try again to get her back to sleeping independently at bedtime. However, when I put her down she really got upset, a cry which I had not heard before. She was also standing and would not lay herself down. I used to be able to say her sleepy phrase and she would respond well to this and lay herself back down either immediately or after a few minutes or so. However for a whole hour she was standing up and crying (like I said this cry I had not heard before). I was in the room with her, standing by the door saying her sleepy phrase. Then after an hour she just laid down. I thought that she would then drift off but instead she started chatting and an hour later she was still not asleep. I actually then APOP her to sleep as I was so worried about the time and had work the next day and felt concerned that we were already getting off to a bad start in the night. After this night I haven’t attempted sleep training again, she has had a stomach bug since, but also I feel like I don’t know what is going on right now and really want to get some advice. I’m worried that she was quite affected by crying for so long (even though I was in the room) as the following nights she cried when she saw her cot just before I was about to give her a bottle. Like I said it has been over a week now and last night was the first night that she didn’t cry before her bottle so at least we have made some progress.
Our nights are quite bad at the moment too, she is waking most nights. I’m think it could be teeth related, maybe the 18 month sleep regression too, can that come on at 16 and a half months? Also I’ve noticed that she is beginning to assert herself more during the day and we have had a few tantrums so could her new cry just be part of this? If she woke in the night previously, I could always settle her with WI/WO but she has been screaming when she wakes too so I’m still APOP her back to sleep. I really want to get back on track, especially as we are staying at my in-laws over the Christmas period, but would really appreciate some advice right now. Like I said despite the problems at bedtime and during the night, nap time is fine. I lay her down, leave the room and then she falls asleep without any issue, regardless of teething or illness. She is in much more of a habit of this though, whereas bedtime has been a lot less consistent!!
Here is her EASY:
WU 6 – 6:30
S 12 pm (always sleeps for an hour and a half, usually no more than 2 hrs)
7 pm bedtime
Any ideas?