Hi everyone,
I've been really struggling with our current situation. My 2 yr old went from being the sweetest, most disciplined toddler to a miserable, jealous, aggressive little boy. It makes me so sad to see him like this that its giving me severe PPD. Well that, and the combination of my newborn not wanting to sleep.
I tried to ST DS2 over the past month but he is just too young and will not settle on his own. So I bought a Mumaroo in the hopes that it would recreate the up/down movement I make that always puts him to sleep. I decided I have to wait until DS1 starts preschool in two months before I can really tackle spending so much time in the bedroom shh/patting DS2 to no avail!
But he won't even sleep in the Mumaroo!! I still have to hold him and get him to sleep in my arms before I can put him in it. And then he will only take a 30 min nap in there.
Our EASY looks like this: (3 hour feeding schedule)
WU: 6:15
E: 6:30
S: 7:30-8:00
S: 8:30-8:50
E: 9:30
S: 9:45- try for up to 45 minutes to get him sleepy in my arms, then transfer to Mumaroo and up again 30 min later. He gets OT for sure, but can't even settle in my arms sometimes.
And the day repeats like this. Prior to Mumaroo, I was holdin him longer in my arms and transferring to crib in which he would wake 10-30min later. At least he sleeps till the 30 min mark in Mumaroo.
I should mention that his bedtime routine is rather quick as I want him straight to bed after his last OT nap of the day. He is asleep by 7:00pm, wakes up at 10:30pm for a quick feed and off to sleep, then again at 2:30 for a feed then off to sleep until 6:15am
What can I do? I'm on my own and am losing my mind and running out of ideas to keep my DS1 entertained in the other room. He is being so neglected, I hate it!!
I am going through the "why did I get pregnant again" regret phase. I just want this horrible time to pass.
Any suggestions???