Hi there,
I've been out of pocket for a while, family in town.
I've been depressed, exhausted about my LO sleep (and mine) too... I can really relate. I'm so sorry. It's terrible... and I get super emotional about it, feeling like failure, etc... I've had many tears over this. I had a mild consolation today-- an acquaintance of mine has one close to the same age and he's getting 10hrs in a 24 hr period!! And she doesn't seem to be too intent on trying to fix it. I try to give myself some credit for knowing about OT/UT issues, and *trying* to get him the sleep he needs. Some people don't know, or don't worry about it that much (which isn't entirely bad, I suppose! I worry too much).
I know you give her meds for pain, but the segments of frequent half-awake cries sounds like some kind of discomfort to me. Gas? I don't give my LO gas drops anymore, but sometimes I wonder if he gets gassy after beans and that could be a factor.
The multiple little cries where LO self-soothes back to sleep throughout the night seem to mean the last vestiges of OT working itself out, for my LO. He usually is good to go the next day, for a 'regular' schedule, if I know what that is.
Other things to consider... are you APing at all? Do you think she's waking up habitually? Several months ago I would have sworn my LO wasn't doing that, b/c he self-soothed for naps. But we had started rocking him to sleep in the night after a trip, instead of doing PU/PD again, and after months of him waking up 4+ times/night and me being dense, thinking it was only routine problems, we tried PU/PD in the night and boom. After one night of heart-wrenching crying, he slept through again. You might consider PU/PD (or PD, or WI/WO) for the EW. Tracey says 'Use PU/PD to send them back to sleep' like they will sail back softly into the night... if only it were like that.
Yeah, today hopefully she will crash for you. Maybe that's the way to go... she's had some good long nights, so the bulk of the OT is out hopefully, and now maybe it will work to strongly encourage a reasonable schedule.
Another thing I've done is find a series of days (usually it's only two) that worked... where he woke up after a good night at around the same time, and tried to use that as a schedule. If you have those records, it might be helpful. If you don't, don't worry. That knowledge alone did not 'fix' everything for me.
Oh, and if you can? Go to bed at 8pm, or 9pm! I started to do that out of desperation (when he was waking up at 5) and when I started to get more sleep, I felt better, more hopeful.
There are no tired signs until too late...it sucks. I've started writing down when I try to put him to bed, and how he acts, to try to learn what it means. Since I have been trying so early, ridiculously early, I've learned (I think) what UT protest looks like. Generally, if he lies down a lot while playing, I tend to think he's tired. Sometimes when I say, "Are you tired?" he'll shake his head, which means that I have elicited the tired head shake, not a 'no' (he doesn't shake his head for 'no'-- language delay). When he gets hyper, he's tired or OT.. though that one is hard to tell. Especially when Dada gets home at 6:15pm and that's really really exciting! I also try to gauge the frequency of his yawns... yawns near BT mean too late already for him.
I'd love to hear how it's going for you.