my almost 3 year old historically has been easy to put down for a nap and bedtime up until the week of new years. she has almost always gone down willingly. we went OOT over new years week (tues-sat) to my ILs and she went to bed very late the first night after traveling (but had a good nap that day). I had the hardest time putting her down for nap/bedtime the rest of the week. She was sleeping in a PNP in the same room as her 8 year old brother but at the end of the week we had to move her into our room and stay in the room until she had fallen asleep for nap/bedtime and after consoling several times etc. we were staying at my ILs house and it was a total nightmare!
I was not too concerned bc she normally transitions back with no problem. well, this week has been such a pain! lots of, "stay with me" and "will you check on me" and hysterical crying bc she wants a certain doll in bed with her or a dresser drawer is not closed. I was accommodating and staying in the room for a little bit (i have like 1 hour of free time when she goes down for a nap and brother gets home from school) and "checking on her". when i do check on her she just cries and cries when i leave.
so towards the end of this week when the above was obviously not working, I would stay in room for a couple of minutes and then check on her once but that's it and letting her cry a bit (maybe a minute?) and she eventually goes to sleep bc going in and staying in room is not helping and seems to be adding to the drama and delaying nap time for about 30 minutes.
Her schedule was off during the holidays (later nights, but sleeping in later in am, and later nap times with long naps). we came home on a saturday and did my best to get back on schedule but she started preschool again on Tuesday where they only get about 1 hour nap time. On those days, I put her to bed very early, 6:30-7pm, but on both preschool days this week, lots of drama and she went to bed closer to 730 bc crying , etc.
i do think she still needs a nap.
So not sure what to do? this is not what i thought would happen! i hate that she is crying at nap/bedtime makes it so stressful and she is not particularly happy when she wakes up either like she normally is (she usually wakes and plays and crib and chills and then calls for me). I can pick her up from school early-ish next week and have her nap at home next week (although my only 2 days kid free
) if that helps to get her back on track?