I'll put all of yesterday up
WU 7:40
E 7:40
S 9:25-10:55
E 11
S 12:35-1:15 (let him try to fall back to sleep on his own, tried the swing finally held him)
S 1:50-3:05
E 3:10
S 5:05 -5:35 (I laid him down at 4:30, he jabbered all that time)
E 6:20- he was trying to fall asleep nursing!
S 7:25 (I laid him down at 7, he did lots of jabbering)
He had cry outs and replugs until about 10
DF- 1am...
I was up watching Parenthood, oops
About 6am he was fussing, he was trying to get his hand to his face but couldn't bc of his swaddle. When I held his arm down he would drift back off up as soon as I let get his hand would try to go back.
Finally at 6:30 I brought him in bed a nursed. We slept until 9:25
At A:1hr 20min he was trying to burry his head in my shoulder n fussy. I swaddled him and walked him around to try to extend. We got to 1.5hrs and I laid him down. At 25 min of sleep I heard him jabbering, few minutes later he was crying. Now I'm holding him
So let's talk about a CN. I didn't cap the one yesterday, he just only slept maybe 20 minutes.
I'm not and wasn't sure when to put him to bed at that point and didn't know how truly tired he was until I started nursing him. Then when I put him to bed he was all hyped up. So when (if I can ever get any of this to kinda work) I cap his nap how long do I keep him up?
I feel like I'm totally failing at just following his lead. I assume that he really needs to stay up longer bc in the past he'd have a 45 minute nap and can't go back to sleep. Like I considered all the sleep he got last night and assumed that when he was burying his head this morning he couldn't possibly he tried yet bc his a time in the am is usually best at 1hr 40min.
I have a wonder week app on my phone. It looks like he's got 3 more weeks until he's through this one and he'll be 19wks! I know their sleep just plain sucks 3-4 months. But I want to get through it Will as little props as possible! I.E. ME!!! I go back and forth with myself as to what to do when he has a short nap. Just get him the sleep or shh/pat and try to get him to do it independently. I'd prefer to not have to fix things later. He has slept SO WELL on his own napping long and sleeping long without my help until about a month ago and it would just be terrible to me to have all that go away. DD really took it all out of me. I'm not sure how much more sleep training and bad habits I can un-do this time around. Any advise on that??
I just realized how long this post is. I'm sorry!!!