my 2nd LO is having a hard time with the 3-2 transition…she is just a mess lately.
She is 9 months - just getting over a cold, and has just cut her first 2 bottom teeth. She is a spirited/angel type….my son was such a textbook, you could set a clock to his transitions/naps/milestones etc….she is throwing me for a loop!
She was sleeping 7-7 from 3-7 months with a dream feed - then when I tried to drop the dream feed, she went a bit off…but still made it most of the night (she is a thumb sucker at night, so she tends to self sooth) however recently she's started early waking
typical day right now looks like this:
3:30am waking (sometimes I feed her if she looks famished, otherwise try to identify issue play, teeth etc
4:30-6:00 - falls back asleep most days….Breastfeed
Breakfast - solids (cereal, fruit - 2-3oz)
8-8:30 Nap - usually 45min-1.5 hrs
10am - Snack - Breastfeed (fussy usually too busy to take much of a feeding, even in a quiet room)
11:00 - Lunch (3 oz solids, fruit, veg, protein, oats)
12:30-1pm - 2nd nap - 45min to 1.5 hours = waking around 2pm…..
3pm - Snack - breastfeed
(sometimes I still try to get her to take a catnap, but she usually just fusses and cries for 20-30 mins)
4:30 - dinner 3oz protein, grains, fruit, veg
6:00 - bedtime routine including breastfeed
* Some nights she will fall asleep right away at wish…other nights she flops and fusses until 8-8:30pm….
she has been pretty good at self soothing and putter herself to sleep, I've been doing sush-pat etc…trying not to accidental parent her out of her good sleep habits…bit with a 2.5 year old making noise and wanting attention…its so hard!
I'm hoping this is teething pain/9 month growth spurt issues messing with her….but It's been on like this for a few weeks now…I don't want it to become habit….any thoughts?
help appreciated!
thank you parents