Author Topic: Just started climbing out of crib!! Yikes  (Read 3838 times)

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Offline Chloevalentine

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Just started climbing out of crib!! Yikes
« on: August 07, 2015, 23:14:12 pm »
Last week my mom was babysitting and at nap time she said she put him in crib went down stairs and a few minutes later he was behind her in the kitchen! Well one week later he did it for me today at nap time! He's been napping fine for about an hour or I wake him at 1 hour I also wake him in morning by 730 and he's been going to bed easier by 8 falling asleep within a few mins which is good. But I'm worried now that he will try this every day at nap and get hurt either falling out of crib or coming down the stairs!! Any tips? I don't think he's ready for a bed yet. He's 25 months.

Offline Lindsay27

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Re: Just started climbing out of crib!! Yikes
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2015, 01:37:07 am »
Not sure if this is possible for you, but the style of our crib had the back taller than the front, so when my DS started climbing out we turned the crib around so that the back/taller end was facing outward and the shorter side was against the wall.  That held him off until he was 2.5 when we transitioned to a BBB.

This obviously doesn't help if your crib is the same height the whole way around lol

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Re: Just started climbing out of crib!! Yikes
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2015, 01:50:36 am »
Both mine were out of a cot by that age, DS1 came out at 2yo because we wanted the cot for Ds2 & DS2 came out because he was climbing out. I just did it as I'd rather he'd climb out of a bed than fall out of a cot. We don't have stairs inside our house so that wasn't an issue, but by then I'd made sure they could master the outside stairs anyway so I think had we had them I would have still done the same thing.

I've always thought we need to listen to what our children's skills are telling us rather than using an age as the indicator.
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

Offline PaulsMom

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Re: Just started climbing out of crib!! Yikes
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2015, 02:51:46 am »
My DS climbed out of his crib so we transitioned him to a toddler bed.  At least with a toddler bed he could get back into bed. 

Can you get a gate for the top of the stairs?  You have to get one that is designed for use with stairs but it will up give you peace of mind especially at night.

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: Just started climbing out of crib!! Yikes
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2015, 06:06:35 am »
My DS went into a bed not long after this age....we had a stair gate at the top of the stairs so I thought we were ok but he appeared one night in the doorway gave me the shock of my life lol. He's older now and understands he is to stay in bed.

Maybe try the bed and see what happens x

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Re: Just started climbing out of crib!! Yikes
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2015, 07:55:45 am »
DS went into a bed at a similar time, and loved it!

As a last resort you could try a crib tent, but really you are just prolonging the inevitable.
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Offline Chloevalentine

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Re: Just started climbing out of crib!! Yikes
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2015, 13:46:31 pm »
We do have a gate at stairs which I'm going to be sure to close but I have a feeling he's still going to be climbing out of the crib lol. I just hope at night when he's in a bed that he will stay put lol. I guess I thought we had more time before making the switch. He sleeps 11-12 hours at night soundly in his crib. I wonder how it will be once he's in the bed. Thanks everyone. I'm going to get bed shopping! I was thinking of buying the special side to go onto my Jenny Lind crib for now see how he does and then probably straight to a twin size bed up against the wall with bumbers. Any suggestions? Thanks

Offline PaulsMom

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Re: Just started climbing out of crib!! Yikes
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2015, 11:21:01 am »
My crib transitions into a toddler bed. Both of my kids love it.  Something familiar but a bit new too.  My DS wouldn't stay in bed to fall asleep but then my DD wouldn't get out on her own until recently (she's been in the toddler bed since last Dec!).  Good luck!

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Re: Just started climbing out of crib!! Yikes
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2015, 11:33:40 am »
Mine was already in a BBB by that age too. I would move to a bed ASAP due to the climbing tbh.  I think these days many people leave moving to a big bed much later than previously but that could just be my hunch.
We had a gate across the bedroom door so I could shut the gate or shut the door or both. If yours can climb a gate though I'd spend time really instilling that this (visual) barrier is a no go. Absolutely no climbing the gate, not just for safety of the stairs but so you have more trust that he is in his room where you expect him to be yk?

For us there was no change to naps or night sleep with the transition to BBB - FX you experience the same.
We didn't use any bumpers or toddler rails, I had planned to but when I read around about it there seemed no need. Instead we did a 'bed safari' which is heaps of play on and around the bed in A time, crawling on the bed around the perimeter, climbing up and down, walking around the bed etc etc, this makes a mental map of the size and shape of the bed, the sooner that map is in place the sooner they don't fall out, it's the same as adults do to stay in the bed all night.  I put a couple of spare pillows and a duvet either side on the floor initially to soften his landing if he did fall out, only happened about 3 times though.

Toddler beds tend to say they go up to about age 4 I think, so maybe think ahead on it. If you buy a toddler size you only have a couple of years in it, less if your LO is tall. My boy is 4.5 and still in his toddler bed (it was a cot-bed) but we've just got a small double which will go up in a couple of weeks.
I also know someone IRL moved her toddler to a double bed when she was about 1yo with no troubles. I wouldn't have had the guts at that age but at 2.5 I don't see a problem, just look for one that is on the lower end of the scale rather than the higher end of the scale so the fall is not too far.  There's also no harm in just a mattress on the floor which then moves onto a big bed later on. so many options!

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Re: Just started climbing out of crib!! Yikes
« Reply #9 on: August 10, 2015, 11:46:29 am »
You could always do a mattress on the floor for a while
DD1 - 8 years old
DD2 - 5 years old

Offline Lindsay27

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Re: Just started climbing out of crib!! Yikes
« Reply #10 on: August 10, 2015, 13:17:10 pm »
You could always do a mattress on the floor for a while
^^ We did this for the first month or so.

Offline Chloevalentine

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Re: Just started climbing out of crib!! Yikes
« Reply #11 on: August 10, 2015, 16:52:07 pm »
Thank you everyone! He's in the 99% for height so I can't imagine he'll be in the crib converted or not much longer ha! I'm going to try the conversion and see how it goes. I just can't imagine that if I put him in a bed that he won't just climb right out lol!

Offline Chloevalentine

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Re: Just started climbing out of crib!! Yikes
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2015, 10:43:03 am »
We've had a few nnds in a row since lo has figured out that he can climb out of crib. He will spend about 5-10 mins in crib and then climb out. He hasn't done this at night probably because he's too tired without having a nap lol. So he's been waking in morning around 645-7 ( I was waking him by 730 for weeks) and he's going into crib by 645 passing out in minutes. I wonder if this new ability to climb out will end the naps ugh. It's just awful as he's tired in the afternoon and of course his behavior is not great due to it. He also isn't eating well at night or even able to play well ( he's clumsy falling or not able to do his puzzles, shape sorter etc).  Any tips on getting through this. Thanks

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: Just started climbing out of crib!! Yikes
« Reply #13 on: August 14, 2015, 12:02:46 pm »
Could you apop a nap? We did this for quite a while when DS refused to nap at this age.

Offline michaeljacknnugg

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Re: Just started climbing out of crib!! Yikes
« Reply #14 on: August 14, 2015, 17:05:11 pm »
He's in prime nap-dropping territory! I guess you caneither keep him going and put him to bed early, or try for a car nap on selected days. Once we got to the 1-0 I really didn't worry about where naps were as long as they happened when he needed them. We had quite a few sofa naps when he passed out watching a DVD.
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