Hi there, I'm a FTM and have been introduced to BW and have practiced EASY since baby was little till now, however we never got to doing PU/PD or any sleep training or sorts.
He is showing signs of needing to drop a nap, we are still on 2 naps (or try to be) now. Some days he does 2, some days 1. However, his bed time has been going later than we wanted.
I will be doing the transition from 2-1 nap soon, hes coming to 17mths now. However, I worry that he may not be able to do a GOOD long nap. Do I then adjust his bedtime accordingly?
Just calculate A time to be about 4-5 hrs from awake and let him sleep earlier?
Also, since forever.. he always wakes up at night. Sometimes in need of a hug, sometimes a back rub, sometimes a meltdown (could that be a nightmare?) in the middle of the night ... but we have less than 3 nights since his birth of a full night sleep without any wakings. He surprises us with a RARE sleep from 12am to 8am once and it felt like GOLD to us.
Is this normal?
Here is his routine:
8am wake, milk, poo, breakfast
11.30 - 12.00 Nap for 1-2 hours (might need assistance re-settling if he wakes. Recently could do 2.30hrs at times, another sign of needing a 2-1 transition?)
1.00 - 2pm- lunch, bath, play
4pm try to nap.. MAY or may not work... if fails... 5.30 goes for walks
6.30 dinner, bath, play, book
8-10 bed time ( as you can see..bed time is messed up now, there isnt a fixed bed time now

Bedtime is messed up now, not sure when to bring him to bed. sometimes we do it too early, he meltsdown.
Could the multiple night wakes be due to OT?
What is the average A time for 16-17 mth toddlers?
Would appreciate your insights and advises.