Author Topic: 5 month old-short naps since 4 months  (Read 4334 times)

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Offline mommykay410

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Re: 5 month old-short naps since 4 months
« Reply #30 on: October 26, 2015, 18:55:20 pm »
I definitely think some of it is related to teething, as she is gnawing on everything, drooling galore, a bit of a runny nose and slightly elevated temp every once in a while.  No teeth yet though  :-\  I hate to give her any medicine if I don't have to...the doctor has said to only give tylenol so far, so I do have some for emergencies but haven't opened it yet. 

Do you think the short naps and multiple NW are just related to the teething/transition combo? 

I did try to feed her before she went down for her second nap a bit ago but she only ate a little on one side and started to fall asleep.  When I tried to put her on the other side she started crying so I took her up to bed and then had to shhpat for 10 mins to get her calmed to sleep.  I think she was definitely OT from her short morning nap.  She's been sleeping for 45 mins so far, which is better than she's had in a few days, but I'll probably jinx it for typing that haha. 

So I will keep her A times around 3 hr to 3hr 10mins for now? 

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: 5 month old-short naps since 4 months
« Reply #31 on: October 26, 2015, 19:45:48 pm »
Yes I'd keep it steady. We've increased so much, I'd just like to hold it for a week and see what happens. If teething is at play it'll be really difficult to see what A time works best.

Hope the nap went well xx

Offline mommykay410

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Re: 5 month old-short naps since 4 months
« Reply #32 on: November 05, 2015, 13:35:25 pm »
Back again  :(  So we have been doing a 3 hr A time pretty consistently, and her morning naps have been anywhere from 1 hr to 1 hr 45 mins, but mostly closer to the 1 hr/1h10min mark.  Her second naps though are never longer than 30-40 mins.  And she has been waking up 3 times a night, where she used to only wake up once to eat and go right back down.  Some nights she can't seem to go for longer than a 2 hour stretch for the second half of the night.  Her eating times have been all over the place because she doesn't seem to want to eat when it's "time" or she wants to eat again after 2 hours.  When she gets up at night I always feed her because she always eats close to a full meal at those times.  I know I should be trying to get her to eat more during the day so she's not as hungry at night, but I can't seem to do that since she doesn't want to eat when I try to feed her at the appropriate times.  She also seems to wake up early in the morning regardless of whether she went down later or crappy naps.  Poor thing has bags under her eyes and can't seem to get more than 12-13 hours total for a day.  Here was the last few days EASY:

Sunday night
S 7:30p-11:25
E 11:30
S 11:45-2:35a
E 2:55
S 3:10-5:25
(E) 5:35
S 5:40-7:05
Monday morning
E 7:40/8:20
S 10:05-11:15
E 11:30 (one side)
S 1:10p-1:35 (fell asleep in car)
solids 1:50
E 2:55
S 3:55-4:35
E 4:55
solids 5:40
E 6:50
S 7:05-12:45a
E 12:55
S 1:30-3:30
E 3:35
S 3:55-5:55
(E) 6:00
S 6:05-7:00
Tuesday morning
E 7:50/9:10
S 10-11:15
E 11:25
E 1:10p
S 2:20-2:50
E 4:00 (very little)
solids 5:15
E 6:30
S 6:50-11:20
E 11:25
S 11:50-5:55a
E 6:05
S 6:40-7:55
Wednesday morning
E 8:55
solids 9:50
E 10 (one side)
S 11-11:50
E 12:10p
solids 1:50
E 2:15 (little)
S 3-3:20 (rolled to tummy and woke up crying, cried uncontrollably for next 45 mins)
S 4:15-4:35
E 4:45
solids 6:00
E 7:10
S 7:40-9:55
E 10:00
S 10:20-2:25
E 2:30
S 2:50-6:30
Thursday morning
E 7:10/8:20 (little)

I think this morning I should have tried to feed her quick at 6:30 and lay her back down because she is quite tired right now during this A time and isn't eating much.  I just wish I could get her back on a better routine with eating and sleeping.  She has to be so sleep deprived at this point, but I don't know how to get her to sleep more  :-\