Thanks so much both of you - docs was fine so yep, have to think teething and hope gets better. She learnt to roll both ways about a month ago, it did cause wakes at the time but think that's passed now. Last night was much better and we'd given med/teething gel before bed - will keep you posted with nights after we've tried with that for a bit longer.
Interesting day naps wise - Wake time much longer than normal as were out and had docs appt so had to be awake. Had decided not to worry too much about nap, thought she'd have half an hour in pram and I could work on a long one in cot later. However, she had an hour and 20mins! She did stir twice and opened her eyes - both times I pushed the pram v briefly and she went back. The last stretch was a solid 50mins without anything from me - and we were stationary (enjoying a lovely brekkie with my hubby!). So longer wake time seems like good answer. So today looked something like this:
Wake 5am (morning a bit odd, woke v early and tried to resettle for ages, eventually gave up!)
E - breast feed 6 am
S - 6.45 - 7.35 (again, saw this as almost an extension of the night!)
A - included solids about 8 am
E - breast feed 9am
S - 11am - 12.20
E - breast feed 12.20
A - including solids at about 1.40
S - 3.20 - 3.55 (really hard time extending and had to abort!)
E - breast feed 4pm
E - small breast feed 6pm
A - including bath time etc
S - asleep I imagine 7ish
So - a few questions:
1) how much day sleep I am trying to go for? I've read 3-4 hrs, she never gets close to 4, perhaps 2.5 to 3 on a good day - I don't want to stretch too far esp on aft nap as then will interfere with BT...
2) BT - if the aft nap gets longer on a day like today (eg if she's had an hour ish she'd have woken 4.30ish), what kind of time can I realistically aim for her to be asleep - she's usually much more settled if she is asleep as close to 7pm as poss, would this work with poss 4.30 end of nap?
3) in the transition help - should it be constant - (eg keep hands on lightly throughout light sleep) or remove hands when settled, ready to see if needed again...