Oh thank you so much!! Am totally at the end of my tether!
He is 20 weeks. Has a cold and a rash at the moment, and had a tongue tie divided at birth. Still has a lip tie but feeds well, doesn't really (in general) feed for comfort and he isn't mad keen on his dummy.
His temperament is probably Angel with a bit of textbook. He is a delight and a doll. But his sleep is rotten!! I have had to do loads of AP as I have twins as well and am on my own a lot of the time. So most of his naps have been in my sling. He also has to fit in around them a bit.
Our EASY is all over the place but yesterday....
WU 5:30 (twin 1 woke him)
Napped 7:30-8:15 in his cot
Napped 10:05- 12 in the sling
Napped 2:15-3 in his cot then I spent 45 mins trying to resettle him. His eyes were closed the whole time but he would seem to settle then cry again. Not sure really if he was awake or asleep!
Tried for a CN at 5, 5:30 and 6 then gave up and put him to bed at 7.
NW 10, 12, 2, 4. I fell asleep feeding him at 4 and when I woke at 5 he was awake but don't know how long for.
To go to sleep in his cot I change his nappy, turn the lights off, put him in a sleeping bag, cuddle a bit then put him down. I give him his dummy (he usually takes it out to play with!), kiss him, say goodnight and walk out. V occasionally he will go to sleep then. If he cries (upset cry) I go back in, put dummy back and kind of jiggle him in his cot a bit while I shhhhh. Usually works quite well. At night though ONLY BF will do. I often fall asleep feeding him, wake up in the chair with him asleep on my lap, pop him back in his cot and he wakes up either straight away or as soon as o have gone back to sleep.
He isn't swaddled, and he has a lovey but isn't particularly interested in it. He will only use a dummy when he is really sleepy - think it interferes with his smiling and chatting and flirting too much!!
Thanks again!!