Author Topic: I need some help**Update may 23rd!  (Read 20515 times)

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Re: I need some help**more help pg 2 THRUSH
« Reply #60 on: April 12, 2016, 20:18:10 pm »
So we went to breastfeeding club yesterday to see the midwife and to get her weight. Unfortunately she has actually lost 50g. They werent overly concerned because of all the issues we've been having but obviously it's something we need to keep an eye on.

They also were concerned that the thrush is just not healing. My poor nipples are still an absolute mess and actually still getting more cracks despite using the shields. Last night I was in so much pain that I couldn't even feed from one side and I couldn't use the breast pump properly due to a huge crack so of course it's got totally engorged and it looks like I've mastitis. Although I've managed to pump it through today and get things moving but there is still a red mark. The midwife wants to get me ABs but I asked her to check how that works with the thrush treatment.

The MW came today and told me to rest my right boob for 24 hours as its so badly cracked. I tried to feed off the left one earlier but the tip of it actually bled with just trying to latch her on. The thrush is making them so shiny and sore that I think they're easier damaged.

I am beside myself. I am back to dreading even putting her on at all. This is so time consuming and DH is back to work tomorrow.

On another more she did have a posterior tongue tie which we got snipped today. He said it wasn't overly pronounced but if she's losing weight and its causing significant distress then he was happy to snip it. He said clearly what she's been doing is clamping down as her tongue didn't have range of movement. He said the snip may or may not help as she may be used now to feeding that way.

So really no further on. I really am at the point of calling it a day as this is torture. Now I'm pumping to feed and its just a pain. And of course I'm worrying about supply.

I need these nipples to heal so I can attempt to feed again. I'm not even worrying about weaning the nipple shields. If I can get these healed then I'll worry about that then.


Offline aisling

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Re: I need some help**more help pg 5 mastitis and tongue tie!
« Reply #61 on: April 12, 2016, 20:33:53 pm »
Oh Shiv. How dreadful, so sorry. You just don't expect this, especially with your 3rd. Lots of hugs. I can't say I blame how you feel like packing it in, I know I would, but of course would be so upset as have loved BF'ing with the others. So tough but you just want to enjoy her now and take a load off, especially with dh going back to work.  Not going to tell you to do formula but just wanted to let you know I would be at my wit's end for sure and probably would supplement for a couple feeds until you heal.  More gentle hugs. Xo
« Last Edit: April 12, 2016, 20:41:27 pm by aisling »

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Re: I need some help**more help pg 5 mastitis and tongue tie!
« Reply #62 on: April 12, 2016, 20:37:24 pm »
(((hugs))) Shiv. It took me about 8 weeks to feed through the cracks with DS1 and I remember the torture very clearly  :'(. Its been so long since I BF that I am not the best for advice now.

I must say I felt very sad about stopping pumping  and trying, and admitting feeding DS2 by bottle, but despite having BF 2 others it really did end up OK. T is just fine, and I had a wonderful and lovely bond with him as a NB and tiddler. He never did love that bottle so I imagine he would have been a bu**er to feed myself anyway  >:( ;).

Be easy on yourself. Most likely you will get there, but if not all will be well as well.

Lots of love xxxx

Offline becj86

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Re: I need some help**more help pg 5 mastitis and tongue tie!
« Reply #63 on: April 12, 2016, 22:16:14 pm »
Oh Shiv, its just one thing after the other at the moment :(

Hugs, healing vibes - you will need those whatever you choose xx

When I was really cracked, I hand expressed - just enough to get the letdown then just squeezed the breast rather than milking - less irritation to the areola and got the milk flowing. Its not perfect but if you're looking to keep the milk flowing without hurting your poor nipples, that might help.

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Re: I need some help**more help pg 5 mastitis and tongue tie!
« Reply #64 on: April 13, 2016, 01:54:07 am »
Oh my goodness, you poor lady.  Loads of healing vibes sweetie. 

Offline lily_layne

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Re: I need some help**more help pg 5 mastitis and tongue tie!
« Reply #65 on: April 13, 2016, 02:26:01 am »
I saw the title of your update and my heart sank for you. You've done so well to keep going this long through that much pain.
Be easy on yourself. Most likely you will get there, but if not all will be well as well.
^This. I am a huge supporter of BFing but if you feel you can't go on, that's ok too.
DD - August 2012
DS - November 2014

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Re: I need some help**more help pg 5 mastitis and tongue tie!
« Reply #66 on: April 13, 2016, 05:14:29 am »
Oh shiv :( I can't believe this is just getting worse and worse for you.

As the others have said, and I think Charli said earlier on, don't kill yourself over this sweetie. You are amazing for coming so far.

Much love xxx
Catherine x

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Re: I need some help**more help pg 5 mastitis and tongue tie!
« Reply #67 on: April 13, 2016, 05:29:27 am »
Sorry to read about this.  Lots of hugs xx

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Re: I need some help**more help pg 5 mastitis and tongue tie!
« Reply #68 on: April 13, 2016, 06:40:23 am »
Dropping off some more hugs lovely xx

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Re: I need some help**more help pg 5 mastitis and tongue tie!
« Reply #69 on: April 13, 2016, 07:48:44 am »
This is terrible lovey. :(

But since I'm an optimist I have to say that if you don't have flu-like symptoms then hopefully it's a blocked duct and not yet mastitis, so bit easier to deal with, and if the TT has now been snipped perhaps things would start to improve from here. Tons of healing vibes, for body and soul, and a big hug.

*Anne*, loving mama to a honeybee (2010) and a sweetpea (2012).  BF for 4 proud years.

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Re: I need some help**more help pg 5 mastitis and tongue tie!
« Reply #70 on: April 13, 2016, 07:50:10 am »
More hugs from me too. I remember the brief moments (when the pain eased) when I thought everything would work out ok for me to BF but in the end it was just all too much.
I wonder if like aisling said a few formula feeds whilst you heal?  It doesn't mean the end of BF.  When we were supplementing my nipples did heal and I was able to increase my supply with the pump to the point of providing all BM for his bottles. For me it did not lead to being able to return to BF but it could for you if you can just heal.  lots of hugs. You're in a horrible position right now xxx

Offline zissi

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Re: I need some help**more help pg 5 mastitis and tongue tie!
« Reply #71 on: April 13, 2016, 09:57:41 am »
oh this is so tough for you! I second the hand expressing, much more gentle on the nipples. also, has feeding improved at all since the snip? if not you may need to try bodywork for LO to learn how to use his tongue properly. also, it can take a few weeks for them to learn how to drink. hope things will work out for you!

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Re: I need some help**more help pg 5 mastitis and tongue tie!
« Reply #72 on: April 13, 2016, 13:05:46 pm »
Oh no I'm so sorry things are still so bad.

Lots of hugs and healing vibes Xx

I really hope having the tt snipped will help things
DD1 - 8 years old
DD2 - 5 years old

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Re: I need some help**more help pg 5 mastitis and tongue tie!
« Reply #73 on: April 13, 2016, 19:49:52 pm »
Oh no so sorry to hear that, I imagine (((hugs))) would be rather painful right now so :-* instead! Did you get any advice on avoiding recurrence of the TT? At our clinic they advised 2-3 hourly BF but that doesn't sound like a great idea for you right now :-\ so I'm certainly not telling you to do that! But the other thing they recommended which you might be able to do (although it's horrible too :-\ ) is wound massage (where the TT used to be, just to clarify on her, not on you - you certainly don't need wound massage!!), twice daily is what they said. The wound under her tongue will be a kind of diamond shape, which will be pinkish now and turn white in a couple of days or so. We were told to massage in a kind of circular motion so as to push the edges of the diamond outwards to prevent recurrence. My DD was a bit older so I was allowed to use teething gel a few minutes before doing the massage as it is supposed to hurt (ie screaming :( ). Please don't take this as extra pressure, I'm sorry I don't know how to pass on what we were told without it pressurising you when that is really not what you need - so take it or leave it but don't feel burdened by it :-*

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Re: I need some help**more help pg 5 mastitis and tongue tie!
« Reply #74 on: April 14, 2016, 13:58:38 pm »
Thanks ladies.

I've had to start an AB as I was fluey and achey from the mastitis which means continued treatment for the thrush to make sure it doesn't flare again. It seems to be really good one day and then rubbish the next day again.

I actually did take a break from nursing for a night and just gave her expressed milk and a couple of formula feeds.  It made a world of difference to my poor nipples and was able to have a literally pain free feed from my left boob the next day. I had just been expressing from the other as there is a huge crack and is so painful but I've not been able to get the lump dislodged at all. I actually managed to get missy on it earlier for a good 45 minutes and fed her in about 4 different positions to see if her sucking would get things moving but it hasn't at all. It's a pretty big lump. I'm worried that there is a blockage near the nipple that's not allowing it through and so the milk is just pooling and pooling and the last thing I need is an abcess! Or I really will just be giving up.  Any suggestions? 

Also I think my supply has dipped since all the pain and irregular feeds etc. any suggestions best way to increase it bearing in mind I have to be careful with my nipples which are easily damaged. Expressing is such a pain in the back side.

Really really appreciate your support. Today is the first day I've not felt unwell. Think the ABs are doing their job. R was off school sick and was at home with me too and we made it through. My mum has just collected her and is taking the girls for their tea so they won't be back to 6!