Some of those times I know it was OT because of the A times and 30min naps, the other times I don't know...
I'll post the 'ideal' schedule we had 10 days ago when we managed to get to 3 naps, and then the last three days, which have been a disaster in terms of EASY (I'm very confused with his A times lately):
Old ideal schedule:
WU 8:40
E 9:00
A 1H45
S 10-45-12:15 (1h30) with W2S
E 12:30
A 1h45
S 2:15-3:40 (1h25) extended with shh pat
E 4:00
A 1h55
S 5:55-6:30 (35m)
E 7:30 asleep by 8:15
DF 11:00, E 1:50, E 4:50
That was a great day&night!
These last three days:
WU 7:20? in crib until 8:15
E 8:45-9:15
S 9:15-9:25 he fell asleep at the breast and I woke him up. At 9:45 I tried to put him down but he was super awake and shh pat didn't work. I took him out for another 2h of A time and he was happy.
S 11:20-1:10 (long shhh pat, crying) 1h50
E 1:15
A 2h
S 3:15-4:00 (45m)
E 4:10
A 1h45
S 5:55-6:15 (20m)
E 7:40 asleep by 8:00
E 10:50
E 2:30
WU 4:10 shh pat
E 6:00
Here my husband did CIO for naps because he was frustrated by the shhh pat
WU 7:30 crib until 8:10
E 8:30
A 2h30
S 10:00-12:10 (2h10)
E 12:30
A 2h20
S 2:50-3-20 (30m)
E 4:10 he fell asleep at the breast at 4:30, until 4:55
S 7:05-7:20
E 8:00 asleep by 9:15
E 11:45, E 1:40, E 4:30, WU 6:00, WU 7:00
Yesterday night was really good after another weird EASY:
WU 7:..? Idk
E 8:30
S 10:05-10:45 (40m)
E 12:10, asleep at the breast between 12:30-12:40
S 2:30 tried shhh pat without luck, I took him out to play
S 3:55-5:10 (1h15, extended with rocking, he was really tired after a long shhh pat with crying)
E 5:15
S 7:00-7:10 (10m just to get him to BT)
E 8:30 asleep by 9:30
W2S 11:15 worked, just two feedings: 1:20 & 5:05, and quick shh pat at 3:00
I'm confused because he seems UT many times I'm going to put him down so I take him out to play, sometimes he falls asleep at the breast way before his normal A time and it looks like the A time is reset, many times he's clearly OT....
But then last night was amazing after those bad naps...
My baby is similar. I let him roll around and if he cries, I reposition him in his favourite sleeping position and pat. I think he rolls around when he's not ready to sleep yet.
The shhh part I have done for me as we play white noise (from an app) for all sleep times. So he doesn't need to be close.
We also play white noise, but the fighting comes when we have to pat, it's really difficult!