Author Topic: Lots and lots of NWs. 8.5mo. Help me pretty please!  (Read 4542 times)

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Offline kjr928

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Lots and lots of NWs. 8.5mo. Help me pretty please!
« on: September 09, 2016, 04:23:50 am »
Hi there. This is my third kid and everything always goes downhill for me around 6/7 months. DD wakes up all night long.

Typical day looks like this:
7:30 wake & BF
8:30 solids
9:30 nap
11:30 BF
12 solids
2:30 nap
4 BF
5 solids
7:30 BF & bed

Night wakings are typically about every two hours all night:
10, 12, 2, 4, 6, and then morning (always 3-5 wake ups per night).

A couple of things:
- I do not BF to sleep for nap or bedtime, I put her down awake.
- sometimes I BF her at night, sometimes I cuddle her back to sleep. If I cuddle her back to sleep it usually results in her waking up again very quickly.
- when I BF her, she only feeds for less than 5 minutes. Most of the time I don't even feel a let down.
- I actually rocked and paced the room with her for almost 3 hours the other night. She SCREAMED the entire time. Finally around 4am I gave in and fed her. The next night she screamed for 2 hours until I fed her.
- I thought it was teething, then I thought it was reflux, now I think maybe she might be a snacker.

Does anyone have suggestions? I don't know how to get her to BF better during the day. I also have a 5 yo and a 2 yo and my house is VERY loud and chaotic. There is always fighting and screaming and crying. Thinking maybe that's part of my problem.

What do you guys think?

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Re: Lots and lots of NWs. 8.5mo. Help me pretty please!
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2016, 06:39:05 am »
Hi there, so far tonight she has woken at 10pm, 12 midnight, and now 2:15am. She did not feed for long at the 2am feed and almost as soon as she was done feeding and I was getting cozy back in bed, she started crying again. Luckily she soothed herself back to sleep. Just wanted to give you a clear picture what is going on here. ☹️

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Re: Lots and lots of NWs. 8.5mo. Help me pretty please!
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2016, 06:57:49 am »
Oh good, she just started up again at 2:45am. I'm so glad. I missed her sweet screaming face. ☹️

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Re: Lots and lots of NWs. 8.5mo. Help me pretty please!
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2016, 07:29:55 am »
Now at 3am when she cried, NOW I AM P*SSED.

So I went in there and SHUSHED her real loud, which startled her into silence... For about a minute. And as soon as she started crying again I snatched her out of her crib a little bit aggressively, and shushed her right in her face, and yelled at her to STOP CRYING. Held her for a couple of minutes, then put her back in her crib and sat next to her holding her hand for a few more minutes.

I left the room 5 minutes ago and she is already crying again. Maybe I should just get a pillow and a blanket and sleep on the floor in there.

I literally don't know what to do. Every day gets worse and worse.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2016, 07:50:39 am by kjr928 »

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Re: Lots and lots of NWs. 8.5mo. Help me pretty please!
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2016, 11:15:06 am »
Hey there. I'm so sorry to hear how hard the nights are for you right now. You must be utterly exhausted, I'm not surprised if you are getting so little sleep.

I would think if she is waking this many times reflux or silent reflux really could be part of it.  Has she seen a doc about this?  I  know many doctors seem to say they out grow reflux at 6 months but mine only got his diagnosis around 5 months and certainly had not out grown it a month later.  Even at 5yo he goes back on reflux meds time to time (usually GS) because he gets a flare up. We medicate a few weeks and then try him off them again.  What I'm saying is, just because she's 8 months I wouldn't discount it as a possibility.

Whether reflux or not reflux, she is crying for a reason and whatever the reason is do try to remember it is not her fault.

Sweetie, I know it's hard,  you are horribly sleep deprived, and we all know here that we do not support CC or CIO so our go-to advice is always to respond to LO when they cry.  However, your LO's safety and well being is absolutely paramount.  Sometimes there is a need to hear the cry and not respond.
If you are at breaking point (and it sounds like you are) then you need to walk away.
You will not be the first and will not be the last who needs to walk away and take a break.  I know there were times I had to, I know other BWers have also needed to walk away and Tracy Hogg told us this too so she was also very aware that baby's well being comes first from a calm parent and second comes from responding to cries - if you are not in a position where you can use gentle hands and a kind voice with your baby you need to walk away and collect yourself.

May I suggest that you put a sign on her door to remind yourself.  Perhaps a "Stop. Are you calm?" and read it before you enter the room.  If you are not calm enough to enter do not enter.  If you are unable to enter you may be able to muster enough calm (or pretend calm) to say "I hear you, I'm coming soon" then walk away and count to 10, 100, 1000 if needed.
I've been there with the baby who just will not stop crying, and I know that for me there were times I could deal with that and just hold him or be with him and I could stay totally calm for long periods even though it was exhausting.  I also know there were times I could not.  When I was holding mine if I approached breaking point I tried my best to remember that how I respond to my child are vital, if I could manage two things then I did this:
1. put him in a safe place - if holding or rocking put back gently into the cot, if in another room return to his room put gently in the cot
2. say in a kind voice "I have to go, I'm coming back" - I felt like screaming "shut up!" but I think most people have one little jot of energy left they can muster to say those words calmly.
3. walk away. Gather yourself. If counting helps, deep breathing, getting a drink of water. Whatever it is you need to do to take back control of your emotion, do it. Return to your baby when you can keep your frustration out of your voice and hands.
4. If you are not able to return to pick her up then try to return to speak through the door and repeat "I hear you, I'm here, I'm coming back" and walk away again.

Sleeping on her floor might be an option for a short period.  I think I would also make an appointment to take her to the doc and have her checked over.

lots of hugs honey

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Re: Lots and lots of NWs. 8.5mo. Help me pretty please!
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2016, 11:58:07 am »
Awh hugs and love xx

So sorry you'd such a tough night. I second all creations said about middle of the night. Where is your DH in this? Can he help with the NWs to give you a break?

Practically looking at your routine your A times are two hours first and then between naps. That is very short for 8.5 months. 3-4 hours A time is much more average. I imagine what's happening is LO is needing those shorter A times as nights are so tough but lack of as time during the can lead to UT NWs as they try to make up for that A time. Id start upping that A time. Maybe look through some sample routine for her age?

You must be shattered with two other LOs too xx

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Re: Lots and lots of NWs. 8.5mo. Help me pretty please!
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2016, 13:10:24 pm »
Hello kjr928!
Just to let you know, that you are not alone. When I was reading you I was picturing my own nights. In average my nights lately are at least 4 NW (minimum 1, and maximum....6? or more). If you read the forum and some old entries, there is something around 8-10 months that generates most of the sleepless posts.
I can sympathize with your occasional anger since it has also happened to me, also to my DH... we are humans and we are calm 99% but there are times when we are fed up, and it is ok.
After checking with several pediatricians and my own experience with my eldest son, I am soon going to try to eliminate the breastfeeding in the night. I know my son will still wake up, but less often.  I am opening a new thread for that.
Just let us know how are you doing please. All my best wishes for you and your baby. I am there with you, with the big purple marks around my eyes... :-)

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Re: Lots and lots of NWs. 8.5mo. Help me pretty please!
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2016, 13:17:54 pm »
I'm just rereading what I wrote last night and you all must think I'm a psycho or something! I know I sound crazy but I will not do anything to hurt my little sweetie. Sorry about the overnight play-by-play.

Anyway, I didn't get to go to sleep until after 4am. Then I had to be up at 7:30 and hit the ground running. I forgot to mention that she is actually on Zantac for reflux, but it hasn't really helped, so I'm not entirely convinced that she HAS reflux. We do have a doctors appt coming up in a couple of weeks but I'll prob take her in next week anyway.

The EASY sched is a little difficult for us because my DS has to be picked up from preschool at 11:30. So she either has to take her nap before that, or she has to wait until noon, which would be 4.5 hours awake. Then my DD has to be picked up from kindergarten at 2:15. So if she did take a noon nap it would have to be 2 hours, tops. And then it will be too late for her to have a second nap, and she will have to wait another 5 hours for bed time. Basically, I'm limited with the schedule and it sucks.  :(

I was really thinking that she was hungry at night because she feeds so poorly during the day. Is there anything I can do to improve that as a starting point?

Thank you all so much for your responses.

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Re: Lots and lots of NWs. 8.5mo. Help me pretty please!
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2016, 17:35:41 pm »
None of us think you're a psycho honey - just wanting to be supportive and let you know many of us have felt similarly at some time xx

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Re: Lots and lots of NWs. 8.5mo. Help me pretty please!
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2016, 23:54:39 pm »
Just wanted to jump in, my DD is 9 months, so similar in age.  I do agree that the A times are probably contributing to the NW, we find that we generally have 1 longer nap and 1 shorter nap in the day.  As you are working with a time conscription with preschool pick up, could you try for a shorter nap in the morning and long in the afternoon?

This is what we did today and it worked beautifully:

WU 7
Nap 10-11
Nap 2:30-4
BT 7:30
« Last Edit: September 11, 2016, 11:41:41 am by Lindsay27 »

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Re: Lots and lots of NWs. 8.5mo. Help me pretty please!
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2016, 06:35:22 am »
I agree. I'd do shorter nap in morning or give you that longer A time and then nap later on. You may need to move bedtime a half hour later to accommodate the A time and naps at this age.   

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Re: Lots and lots of NWs. 8.5mo. Help me pretty please!
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2016, 15:36:21 pm »
Hi! Just wanted to check in and thank you again for your responses and support. I increased DDs Zantac and started giving her some baby Advil before bed to help with teething pain (top teeth coming in). Right away it seemed to help - she went back down to waking up about two times, which was a great improvement from about 5-6.

I have kept her on the Zantac and baby Advil but we have definitely back tracked. Last night for example, she went to bed around 8pm and between 8-11pm she woke up 5 times. After that she woke up about every 2 hours until 7am. Sometimes I nurse her back to sleep and sometime I just cuddle her.

I have noticed in the last few weeks that she basically will not nurse on me at all during the day anymore. She only wants to BF at night. It happened gradually, and kind of sneaked up on me. So obviously that's a contributing problem. Is there a gentle way of fixing this?

I am definitely going to make the nap adjustments you suggested. When she eventually goes down to one nap a day I'm going to have an even bigger problem, since my older DD gets picked up from kindergarten at 2:20pm. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.


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Re: Lots and lots of NWs. 8.5mo. Help me pretty please!
« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2016, 19:09:29 pm »
Just want to understand correctly when you say "will not nurse on me", do you mean that she isn't taking any BFs during the day and only at night? Or do you mean she prefers a bottle in the day? I'm reading it like she isn't nursing in the day time and if that is the case that will absolutely contribute to NW as she could be hungry.  Just want to clarify and get some BF support if needed :). My DD is FF so our situation could be different, but we dropped to 3 daily bottles at 8 months, one at WU, 2/2:30, and BT.  This meant however that she was taking more at each bottle vs taking less more frequently.

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Re: Lots and lots of NWs. 8.5mo. Help me pretty please!
« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2016, 20:29:45 pm »
Hi there, yes, you read that correctly. She physically pushes herself away from me when I try to BF her during the day. Sometimes I can get her to nurse for 1-2 minutes but that's about  it. I have tried formula feeding during the day and can't get more than one ounce in her at a time.

I saw the pediatrician this past week and she was like "well, she's not dehydrated" and basically shrugged her shoulders. They are always really non-chalant about problems.

Not sure how to fix this without a terrible traumatic nighttime hissy fit. I have all kinds of problems. It's my way of doing things.

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Re: Lots and lots of NWs. 8.5mo. Help me pretty please!
« Reply #14 on: September 28, 2016, 00:11:49 am »
Okay hun, going to get some BF eyes over here to see if we can figure out the BF refusal during the day.  Do you think with the Zantac increased that her reflux is controlled?  Given the BF refusal and frequent wakings it does make me wonder if the reflux is still very much an issue.  How frequently are you attempting to nurse during the day?  And is she taking solids?  Sorry for all the questions, just trying to feel out what might be going on :)

How have her naps been as of late?  Frequent NW early in the evening can be OT.  Do you want to track your routine for a day or 2, even if it is super rough it can help us help to see if any tweaks are needed.