Quite honestly, babies go through many growth spurts. I would always offer to nurse if settling isn't working out. If it seemed like it wasn't a hunger issue I attempted in other ways to soothe. However, I found that the NWs were not affiliated with hunger but other issues such as his daily routine. Once I was able to tweak and work it out, NWs stopped. We still have occasional NWs but I do not nurse and he normally resettles by holding him to relax him, rubbing his back, and once he's calm I put down and he's good to go. He is a great self soother and adapted well, early on. That is my personal experience
every baby is different.
Although, I would like to go ahead and offer the link we have here on the forum on Pantleys Gentle Removal Plan. It takes time and lots of patience but I find it is the most gentlest and with less tears involved
Gentle Removal PlanIt's a good reference, I find
Another method that would best work in your situation if the above reference wasn't to your preference or it didn't quite fit, is Pick Up/Put Down... It will also take some time and patience and very tiring at first, but it can work so long as you stay consistent. I personally don't have experience for PU/PD nor did I prefer the method. I like less tears and screaming haha
but none the less, I am providing the link if you would like to read over it
Pick Up/Put Down (PU/PD) - Everything you ever needed to know!Now, a few things to remember about NWs. For a breast fed baby, keep in mind those growth spurts. As I mentioned, I always offer to nurse IF he is unsettling any other way and that usually means he's hungry. It's not his normal to keep on. That's my baby, of course. But still, make sure he's getting enough milk in his day
...to avoid him making up for it at nights. Another thing, teething! It is ok to offer some relief before BT to help him through his night IF that's the case as well. Something else to consider
In addition, you want to ask yourself, has he ever slept independently? Can he self settle? Are you in anyway a prop to help him sleep? For instance, rocking, nursing to sleep, holding... All those are prop and prevent a baby to learn how to self soothe and depend on mom for that. If not, sleep training is something to try and I would prb start with naps, with one of above methods OR...
Most importantly, take a look into his daytime routine. How does his routine look like? How much activity time is he getting? Naps? How long? How many? Etc.
There are a lot of things that contribute to NWs. You can possibly even avoid the pain of staying up all night trying to fix something that doesn't require such a hard time, kwim? I think it's worth trying to take at his daily routine and see if anything needs some tweaking. I tell you, its important to look at
!! It has saved my NWs so much more the second time around!
Hope all this helps!!! This is just my very humble opinion and suggestions
let me know how you feel about it! Maybe you can jot his easy routine for a few days and post? Or if it's pretty conistent, you can post your regular now. It would be nice for others to have a look and maybe spot something that can help!