Hi all, hope you can help. Not sure if I should be posting here or on the bottle feeding board. It's kinda to do with both I suppose. My 5.5 month old has started to scream for his dreamfeed between 10.30/11. He has never done that before. I normally just do it while he's asleep.
He drinks his bottle no probs but then when he is done I lay him back in his cot, and he scream until I pick him back up. He's not happy unless he's on my shoulder. I keep trying to put him down but it's always the same. He has to fall asleep on my shoulder and then I gently put him down and hope for the best.
It's making me really not like the dreamfeed as it seems it disrupts him. Only for the fact that he does actually drink it and seems to need it.
Any advice please xx