Hi there - I expect Lindsay will be back when she can - meanwhile I thought I'd drop by.
she likes a fairly short second A time and an even shorter third A time, I need to push her am nap even later.
This is just how my DS was. Ultra long first A time (when we went off track pretty much everyone would say OT as his A was so long, it was a lone-voice would suggest UT and was right), shorter second A and an even short last A time to BT.
If naps have gone off track again I would consider moving that first nap a bit later again. Based on what you've said so far about nap length, A times etc.
She could be close to dropping the second nap. Mine dropped his between11-12 months. it was pretty messy over that transition period tbh but we got there.
Those NWs where she lays awake but quietly - leave her, it's fine. Tracy mentions these in the BW books and says it is common for LOs to spend a considerable amount of time awake in the night and eventually fall back to sleep. When these happen we do look at routine just to check that nothing obvious needs changing but if routine is basically okay then just put it down to developmental. Keep naps at the same time rather than bringing the morning nap earlier to compensate for the shorter night. Chances are LO does not need an earlier nap but we can be tempted and then get in a pickle with nap length and times. If you are viewing her on a monitor and see her awake just pretend you have no video monitor - LOs shout and cry when they need you, if she is in need she will let you know.
WRT getting back on track I'd go immediately back to the time you were doing morning nap and then next day move it 10 mins later.
hope this helps