Day 2
06:10 WU
06:15 E bottle
7:30 E breakfast
8:30 quiet wind down time as getting very grizzly, rubbing eyes and yawning.
8:40 put down to S
(We were visiting my in laws this morning and weren't at home so I lay him on their spare bed with his dummy and comforter but I lay next to him (not touching him) for extra familiarity. Not ideal I know, but compromises must be made in order to be able to get out the house I guess!)
S 8:45 - 9:30 (resettled)
S 9:30-9:50
10:30 E refused milk
(10:45 rubbing eyes and yawning)
(11:00 yawning)
11:00 E refused milk - given snack instead (as previously stated; we are in the process of dropping some milk feeds I think)
(12:00 yawning so much I thought his head would fall off!)
12:30 E lunch
12:50 quiet wind down activities
13:00 put down for S (again in spare bed at in laws with me laying down)
S 13:05-13:35 (resettled & woke up again seconds later, 3 times...quick cuddle, put down,dummy&back patted until fully asleep)
S 1:40-14.05 (this second part of his nap was much more unsettled dozing than quality sleep, needed lots of patting inbetween him tossing and turning)(resettled with dummy and held for cuddle)
S 14:05 - 14:20 (resettled with dummy and put back down on bed)
S 14:25-14:50
15:00 E bottle
16:45 E tea
17:40 BT routine starts - story time, bath time
18:10 E bottle
18:15 S
So he's still catnapping basically, despite the longer A times. Thankfully today I was able to extend his naps another cycle, as I stayed in the room with him...but obviously this isn't usually the case. At home, by the time I've got up the stairs to him, he's too awake to resettle. I know I have to work on his self settling...but he self settles at night, sometimes!, so I know he can do it. And, as seen in my day 1 notes, he *can* have naps for 1hr+ in his cot with no intervention. But it's only once in a blue moon.
I know you'll probably be shaking your head in disbelief that at 8 months old our routine is so bad. I'm a lover of routine and I'm not sure how we spiralled out to this point. I feel terrible and a rubbish mum. I just need help.