Author Topic: 1 year old and amount of sleep  (Read 3572 times)

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Offline Chloevalentine

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1 year old and amount of sleep
« on: July 10, 2017, 22:43:33 pm »
My lo will turn one next week. He's been on one nap now for over 6 months. Crazy I know. But his bedtime is always early because of it and his first A time is a lot shorter than his second. At the moment he's waking around 6 am (can be earlier or as late as 615/30). His nap is around 10 so 4 hours A time. I'm trying to keep this early because I need to pick up my son at 1145 from camp so baby sleeps from 10-1130 on average and some days I need to wake him to leave by 1145 which is why im not pushing that nap out just yet. Some days he can use more A time I think and some days he's yawning and cranky at 3.5 hrs A time. But then he's up from 1130 until bedtime around 630. He's always handled this and refused the afternoon nap or isn't tired enough until like 4 pm which is too late. But the past two nights he was so tired so I put him to bed at 6 instead of 630/45 and he actually slept a little later until 615 and had a 12 hour night as opposed to the 11 hour night when I put him in close to 7. Does this make sense or is it just a coincendence? How long of a day is typical for a 1 year old on one nap?  When camp is over I'm going to try to push that nap out later to 11/1130 or preferably after lunch and hopefully get a later bedtime later morning.

Offline Chloevalentine

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Re: 1 year old and amount of sleep
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2017, 11:15:35 am »
He was up at 515 :(. I don't want to get up at 5 am any more lol

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Re: 1 year old and amount of sleep
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2017, 13:56:36 pm »
What time are you back from camp?  Honestly that nap is way too early.  Can he not sleep on the way to camp and be transferred to bed when you get back?

I think it he's going to bed at 6/6.30 you are looking at 5/5.30 wake up if he typically does an 11 hour night. Mine did that on one nap.

The other option is to let him have a short nap at 11 for a half hour then a longer nap later on and get a later bedtime.

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Re: 1 year old and amount of sleep
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2017, 14:09:33 pm »
I'm always hesitant to change that nap because he goes down easily and sleeps for at least 1.5 hours. There's no way he can make it until 1215 which is when we get back home. He will never sleep in the car because he's all excited to see big brother and it's only a short ride. The afternoon Is always tricky because he's to nosey and his brother is home. It seems like most kids his age take their first nap anywhere from 3.5-4.5 hours A time which would put him right at 4 hrs A time. But it also seems like most still take an afternoon nap as well. I always think because he only sleeps 1.5 hours during the day that it's not crazy to get a 12 hour night but it rarely happens. 630 is an early bedtime but it is aa 12.5 hour day isn't that about right? Think I might just need to hang on another few weeks until camp is done and push that nap out a bit ?

Offline ginger428

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Re: 1 year old and amount of sleep
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2017, 18:27:28 pm »
Whenever we kept a bedtime of 6pm more than a few days, DS would wake earlier to compensate. It was a catch 22 at times. Not fun, I know.

At this age, the timing of the morning nap can dictate wake up time. So your plan to move out the nap will help a lot, I think. He might not be able to make it to 12:15 at first, but don't be discouraged... if you keep at it, he'll adjust... especially if his morning WUs shift later.

12.5 hr day is fine, but their morning and afternoon A times can alter the sleep rhythm quite a bit.

I've stopped by some of your threads before and I thought LO moved to 1 nap around 10 months? I remember bc mine started 2-1 around 9/10 months. 
« Last Edit: July 11, 2017, 18:31:25 pm by ginger428 »

Offline Chloevalentine

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Re: 1 year old and amount of sleep
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2017, 19:49:52 pm »
 He started giving me trouble back in feb with pm nap. So how do you think is A times are altering his sleep rhythm?  I guess once camp is over I will try to push out the nap until then there's not much I can do.  Should I try to keep him up until seven or is that really pushing that A time too long ?

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Re: 1 year old and amount of sleep
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2017, 10:15:11 am »
I put him to bed a little later at 7 and he was still up around 530 maybe earlier!! Maybe something is waking him! I have the ac running and a sound machine and blackout shades.

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Re: 1 year old and amount of sleep
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2017, 10:46:11 am »
Honestly hun I don't think that moving the BT later is going to make any difference, if anything I think it would just make him more OT.  As the other ladies have said, the nap is too early if you are sticking to 1 nap.  I would really try to move it to after you pick yours DS up from camp.  I think if you move it out he's going to be tired enough to sleep.  Once you do that and it is consistent, BT will move out without the OT and then even if he did a 11hr night it would get you something like 7pm-6am.  Nothing is going to change unless you either stick to 1 nap and push it to somewhere around noon, or get a second nap in there somewhere.

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Re: 1 year old and amount of sleep
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2017, 13:03:55 pm »
Ok I get it. But When he's up before 530 am there's no way he's making it until 12 for a nap! He's only just turning a year I don't think that amount of A time would be reasonable.

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Re: 1 year old and amount of sleep
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2017, 13:33:15 pm »
I think being that he's so ot from super early wakings this week he's already asleep at 930, that I'll try to see if I can get him to catnap in the car even around 330-4 and then bed by 7. I've tried that in the past and couldn't get him to sleep until 4 woke him at 430 but he was up until 830! But maybe just to reset the sleep schedule a bit and get him to wake a bit later in morning and later nap. Can't hurt to try right.

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Re: 1 year old and amount of sleep
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2017, 13:56:43 pm »
Yes I think you need to get
On top of that OT with two naps then get your one nap pushed to after the camp run.

The other option is to do a short nap after 3.5. Wake him after 20 mins then do main nap when back from camp run.

To be able to cope with one nap he really does need to beable to do 5/5.5 A time.

Offline Chloevalentine

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Re: 1 year old and amount of sleep
« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2017, 14:49:48 pm »
I'm not usually able to get him to nap in the car or even when big brother is home in the afternoon so that won't be a daily occurrence. Technically he is doing a 5 hour A time some days when he's up at 515 and goes down for nap at 10 until 1130/44 but it's still a long afternoon A time until bed. So if I can just get him to wake later some how and nap later it might all work out for the one nap.

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Re: 1 year old and amount of sleep
« Reply #12 on: July 12, 2017, 20:01:17 pm »
Finally got him to nap in car but not until 350! I guess I let him sleep 30 mins and then try for 730 bedtime ?

Offline Chloevalentine

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Re: 1 year old and amount of sleep
« Reply #13 on: July 12, 2017, 23:17:12 pm »
He made it awake until 7! Which is good! Fingers crossed he'll sleep
Past 515 tomorrow morning lol

Offline Chloevalentine

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Re: 1 year old and amount of sleep
« Reply #14 on: July 13, 2017, 10:15:27 am »
That didn't work .He was up at 330 (he never wakes during the night) until about 430 then up again at 530!