It's been a while since you posted- how are you doing?
This is my first post in this forum and we've been implementing EASY with my 9mo old only for a little while so don't take my words as pure gold
But I'll try to answer you as good as I can based of all I've read. Since there has been no answers.
I've also been nursing to sleep for first 7 months so I know where you come from!
-You could use a baby sleeping bag instead of swaddling, somewhat similar although it doesn't prevent those flapping hands
-Your goal is to get her to fall asleep by herself so by all means just let her soothe herself until she doesn't cry! Intervene only if she needs you to help her. Use sush/pat if needed
https://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=26672.0-If you want to make your life easier in the short term, introduce pacifier. I've heard that some babies get so attached to the pacifier that they wake up immediately if the pacifier falls out of their mouth. I'm not sure, my baby just chews on it and doesn't know its purpose at all any more
-40 minutes should be the whole time you try to put her to sleep. After that feed her and try again. PU/PD is a bit early for your LO, do shush/pat. Swaying and walking (basically rocking) could become sleep props
-If she's waking at exactly same time every night it's probably habitual waking. Try wake-to-sleep technique
https://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=223809.0Usually it should take full 3 days and nights for your LO to adjust to the new regime. So I think this long crying is quite normal at first. Should become shorter and shorter.
Sending love!