Need some sleep advice. Our 17 week old boy is a complete mystery. He is my 2nd but does not fit into EASY as my first son did. We have him on EASY and up till 12 weeks he Ate every 2.5 hours as was a hungry baby, but his sleep was always text book and at night ate once around 4am after his DF. He had his growth spurt at 15weeks and since then my Dr adviced is to introduce solids and cut down his feeding, I moved him onto a 4 hour EASY and slowly introduce solids which he took to by day and for the first 3 days he slept through the night from DF to 6.30.
Since then he has become unpredictable and our nights are rough. He goes down between 7 -7.30 as close to 12 hours after his wake up time as possible. I do the dream feed at 10.30 but recently he has started waking before it around 10pm he’d wake around 1am, and Shias pat him to sleep, he wakes again around 3 and takes about 150ml milk, starts again around 5, sometimes even more frequently, and screams until I feed him about 60ml.
He has been on rice cream in his milk now every 4 hours and at lunch has pureed potatoes or vegetable. He drinks 220ml at each feed with 3 tsp of rice cream in the bottle.
we’re exhausted due to the night wakings and no ideas how to help him settle as he was better before and I think he has enough food in the day.
He still sleeps well in his crib in the day 2 hours from waking and has 2 naps of 1.5-2hrs, a short nap of 30mins around 5pm. He wakes around 6am happy and playing in his crib where he used to wake at 7.30 up to 2 weeks ago.
His EASY is something like this:
6ish wake
7.00 Eat 8oz + 3 tsp rice cereal
9.00 Sleep 1.5- 1.45hrs
11.00 Eat 8oz + 3 tsp rice cereal
13.00 Sleep 2hrs
15.00 Eat 8oz + 3 tsp rice cereal , 2 x Tsp potato or veg.
17.00 Sleep 30-40mins
19.00 Eat and sleep - 8oz + 3 tsp rice cereal
22.30 DF 8oz + 3 tsp rice cereal
Any advice?