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Rubbing eyes when waking up from naps
« on: December 12, 2005, 19:01:27 pm »
This is a nap problem my almost 9 month old has had for some time.  Wondering if anyone can help!  Sometimes, he wakes from either his morning or afternoon nap cooing (this is after sometimes over an hour).  I go get him thinking he is done w/ his nap.  As I'm changing him or even sometimes 30 minutes after I get him up from the nap, he is rubbing his eyes.  I think he's still tired and maybe I got him prematurely??  Do babies sometimes coo and then fall back asleep even after being asleep an hour or longer?  I just am not sure if this means I need to leave him in his crib an additional 30 minutes or so to make sure he's awake and not going to go back to sleep.  This happened this morning and he now seems to be overtired for his afternoon nap. 

Thanks for any advice!  :)
William born 3/23/05

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Rubbing eyes when waking up from naps
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2005, 03:41:31 am »
How long are his naps?  Have you tried holding back and seeing what he does?

Offline mom2william

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Rubbing eyes when waking up from naps
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2005, 15:00:09 pm »
Thanks for replying, Michelle!  Well, his naps have always been absolutely terrible for the most part.  I have the worst time figuring out what his ideal wake time is!!  His naps range anywhere from 30 minutes to sometimes over an hour.  RARE days he sleeps close to 2 hours.  I know he is not getting enough day sleep (he hasn't since he was about 3 mos. old) because he is usually overtired during the day.  By that I mean he either takes too short naps (wakes crying) or seems tired after his naps.  I have tried waiting 30 minutes or so after he wakes and he doesn't really seem to go back to sleep.  But mostly I don't wait that long b/c I admit I am usually needing to get somewhere during his wake time!  I thought if he was talking then he is "up" and I need to get him. 

What would you suggest?  I am in desperation to get him on a better schedule!  He is having to go to bed around 6:00 to 6:30 b/c he is so exhausted by days end.  His tired signs are difficult to read and I don't know what to do to change this cycle of too short naps!

Thanks for any and all suggestions!

William born 3/23/05
Bennett born 3/3/08

Offline Meg's Mom

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Rubbing eyes when waking up from naps
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2005, 20:49:03 pm »
Let's start by posting your schedule and also can you tell me what your nap wind down looks like.

Offline mom2william

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Rubbing eyes when waking up from naps
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2005, 14:37:46 pm »
OK, I will try and not be too lengthy!  Our schedule is truly varied- that's another problem I am REALLY struggling with.  But here goes:

6:00-7:00am Wake up
7:15am BF
8:00am Solids
9:00 or 9:30am Nap #1
10:00-11:00am Wake up (depends on length of nap.  This nap is usually longer than his PM nap.  Sometimes, though, it lasts only 30 min!)
11:00 BF
12:00 or 12:30 Lunch (solids)
1:00 or 1:30 Nap #2 (anywhere from 30 min. to 1 hour.  Occasionally has been 1.5 hrs.)
2:00-3:00 Wake up
3:00-3:30 BF
5:00-5:30pm Solids
6:30-6:45pm Bedtime (sleeps 11-12 hours straight)

I am having more than a few problems with the daytime sleep!  I would prefer it if he awoke in the AM around 6:30-7:00am.  However, I think he is waking up much earlier and not talking to let us know some days.  Also, b/c I don't want to get up at 6:00am, if I hear him talking then, I will just ignore him and he usually goes back to sleep.  Per DH, this is maybe a problem b/c he says that DS is ready to get up and I should get him up when I hear him.  Take this AM, I didn't hear him talking or anything so I always get him up by 7:00am.  I went and got him and he wasn't too happy, like he was going back to sleep and I interrupted him.  He also rubbed his eyes around 7:50am and was fussy but I kept him up 'til almost 9:00 b/c I'm trying to keep on a schedule.  I am really struggling with setting naptimes b/c I don't really know what his ideal wake times should be.  Everyone I know tells me to stick with 9:00am for the AM nap and 1:00pm for the PM nap but doesn't that change slightly as they get older and can handle more awake time??  I'm totally confused!!!!  Thus, his naptimes are all over the place.  Usually, though he sleeps by 9:00-9:30 in the AM but the PM nap can vary anywhere from as early as 12:30 to sometimes 2:00.  That is usually due to him being overtired from having a bad AM nap.  A couple of days last week, he simply wouldn't fall asleep in the PM (overtired???) and when he FINALLY did, he had a 45 min. nap and woke up crying.  (I left him in his crib about an hour and a half and he just talked and talked then went to sleep)

As for how he goes down, I try to look at tired signs as well as the clock.  A lot of times he doesn't show tired signs though, which is frustrating.  In the morning he will but the afternoon he really doesn't.  I change his diaper, pull the window shade and then we'll read a couple of books and listen to the same lullaby CD.  I try to walk around his room w/ him but sometimes he just really fusses when I do this so I go ahead and put him in his crib.  He can put himself to sleep easily but has problems not getting all he needs!  By days end, he is usually exhausted and rubbing his by 5:30-5:45pm.  I think his bedtime should be later (more like 7:00) but it's hard when he seems so tired to push him to that.

I know I'm not "reading" him and that he is exhausted so somethings gotta give!  I have struggled so long with him being overtired during the day...months!  I have read a lot on this board and am still so confused.  Any and all advice would be MOST appreciated!  :)  Suzanne

William born 3/23/05
Bennett born 3/3/08

Offline PeepersMom

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Rubbing eyes when waking up from naps
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2005, 13:49:48 pm »
I am by no means good with scheduling, but I wanted to answer your first question.

My son is younger - 4.5 m - but he wakes early from every nap usually around 30 min and he just opens his eyes and lets out a couple coos.  I go in and soothe him back to sleep with pat/shush and for now pacifier (we're taking it away this weekend :shock: )

He always goes back to sleep if I have  a long enough wake up time (needs to be close to 2 hours) and sleeps at least another hour.

Yesterday he slept his other hour and I heard him so I just went in to get him.  He was up a good 10 min - yawning but he always yawns - so I ignored.  Then he started crying which is unusal for him.  He doesn't cry a whole lot.  So I gave him his pacifier and walked him back to his crib.  He was still tired and slept another HOUR.  I was shocked.

So I guess my point is that yes they can wake up happy and still need more sleep.   But I, like you, would be surprised by this after an hour and a half nap. 

I have set a limit of 1h30 min minimum crib time whether he is awake or not, so if he sleeps for 30 min wakes up and I take 20 min to get him back to sleep he still needs to be in the crib for at least 40 more minutes.  Usually it ends up being longer.  And usually he really is happiest with at least 1h30 probably 2.

My thoughts.
Sweet Boy PJ "I'm too excited to sleep!"
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Offline mom2william

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Rubbing eyes when waking up from naps
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2005, 19:47:08 pm »
Thanks for your input, Meg.  It is harder since my son is older b/c he doesn't always fall back to sleep as easily.  Or maybe I just don't know how to get him there  :roll:   I appreciate your support, though!  When I talk about trying to stay on a schedule, I struggle w/ this so much b/c my son takes bad naps or not enough of a nap at times so when I try to keep him up 'til the next "set" naptime, he is already overtired and will not nap as well!  He does well if he gets about 1 1/2 hours in the AM believe it or not.  This AM, he only slept an hour (due to having a big ole poop and couldn't go back to sleep) and was rubbing his at 12:00pm (he got up at 10:00am or so).

I'm hoping Michelle will help me out so I can get this nap thing going better!

William born 3/23/05
Bennett born 3/3/08

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Rubbing eyes when waking up from naps
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2005, 20:00:39 pm »
Hi, sorry for the LO has had the stomach flu and now i have it...i will read and try to get back to this weekend...hang in there :-)

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Rubbing eyes when waking up from naps
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2005, 16:51:57 pm »
We too had nap troubles again at 9mos.  I pulled what i wrote in a post and what we did:
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We just spent the past 3 days re-training - my plan:
* have set times for naps 9.30 & 2.00 (although now that she is sleeping longer i will try 2.30).
* ensure she is relaxed but awake before putting her into the crib
* when she woke early, use shh/pat for just a few minutes
* let her re-settle herself. NOT CIO but let her put herself to sleep again. Re-checking/re-settling if she was really upset.

IT worked!  The past 2 days her am nap has been 1.45 and her pm 1.15 (we are still working on this one).

You said you are stuggles w/ sleep cues - classic: yawn, rub eyes or other signals: twirl hair, get glass eyed, wines, moans.

Typical awake times  (yes they get later as they get older! you are correct!! :wink: )
2.5-3.0 after am wake up – 1.5hr for 9 month old and 1hr for 12 month old
3.00 after end of am nap – 1.5-2.0hr for 9 month old and 1.5hr for 12 month old

7am wake
9.30-10.00 am nap wake no later then 11.00-11.30 depending on age and start time
1.00 or 2.00 pm nap wake no later then 4pm
7.00-7.30 bed

Your plan
*extend A times by 15min every couple days until you reach the suggested A times then stick to the set times
*keep using shh/pat when wakes early and give him time to re-settle himself.

I hope that helps, let me know if you have any questions.

Offline mom2william

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Rubbing eyes when waking up from naps
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2005, 20:04:36 pm »
Thank you so much for your reply, Michelle!!  It helps to get some clarification.  I do have some questions, however.  OK, so I don't have a problem sticking w/ set naptimes but have some specific questions re: this.
1.  When you say to use pat/shh to get him to go back to sleep for a longer nap, I thought that technique was for only for younger babies.  If I should use it, is there a sticky or something I can read about this technique? 
2.  I've been leaving him when I hear him after he sleeps for 1hr 15min or so in the AM.  He just doesn't go back to sleep but is tired by 12:00 or so.  He doesn't cry just talks and will not sleep anymore.  Do I try to extend this nap??  The same things happens w/ his 1:00pm nap.  He'll sleep an hour maybe 1hr 15 min and then will simply not go back to sleep.  He just talks or fusses.  How would you extend these naps?  To try to get him better rested should I put him down when he's tired for now and then gradually work on getting him to 1:00 pm?
3.  To help w/ the early waking, do you put your child to sleep early (like he's tired by 5:30pm most days) to help their sleep deficit or just keep them up 'til close to 7:00pm?  The other problem is that we have no idea when he is waking up b/c he doesn't talk or anything.  He's just sleepy by 7:30/8:00am. 
4.  So to summarize, I am still so confused about how I get him to good awake times if he is not getting enough sleep in his naps!  I guess I need to try to extend the naps???  He's fine if I leave him be, he just never will go back to sleep even though I know he's tired b/c he's exhausted by 5:30pm.  Should I work on extending the naps first and then work on extending his awake times to get to 9:00 and 1:00 pm naps? 

Sorry to be so long winded but I am new to figuring out how babies sleep and need it spelled out for me!

William born 3/23/05
Bennett born 3/3/08

Offline mom2william

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Rubbing eyes when waking up from naps
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2005, 19:27:15 pm »
To clarify my previous post, in point #2 what I meant to say was that when he sleeps for about an hour to 1 hr. 15 min. in the AM, I try to leave him for about 30 or so more minutes to make sure he got enough sleep b/c of when I've gotten him sometimes he's still rubbing his eyes.


William born 3/23/05
Bennett born 3/3/08

Offline Meg's Mom

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Rubbing eyes when waking up from naps
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2005, 03:29:49 am »
Quote (selected)
1.When you say to use pat/shh to get him to go back to sleep for a longer nap, I thought that technique was for only for younger babies. If I should use it, is there a sticky or something I can read about this technique?
Not just for younger babies, I still use shh/pat when my LO is really upset and needs help resettling.  And she still responses well to it.  The difference now vs. when she was young – now… once she is calm, I pat for only a minute and then leave.  Letting her settle on her own the rest of the way.  I’ll look for a good post for you to read. 

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2. I've been leaving him when I hear him after he sleeps for 1hr 15min or so in the AM. He just doesn't go back to sleep but is tired by 12:00 or so. He doesn't cry just talks and will not sleep anymore. Do I try to extend this nap?? point #2 what I meant to say was that when he sleeps for about an hour to 1 hr. 15 min. in the AM, I try to leave him for about 30 or so more minutes to make sure he got enough sleep b/c of when I've gotten him sometimes he's still rubbing his eyes.
Are you sure he is tired?  Not bored or hungry.  I would focus on extending you’re A time.  If he still wakes at the 1.15hr mark, give him 30min then go about your day until the next nap time.

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The same things happens w/ his 1:00pm nap. He'll sleep an hour maybe 1hr 15 min and then will simply not go back to sleep. He just talks or fusses. How would you extend these naps? To try to get him better rested should I put him down when he's tired for now and then gradually work on getting him to 1:00 pm?
Again focus on extending the A time.  NO, I would not put him down when you think he is tired, IME he is taking the short naps because he isn’t tired enough.  It’s like, I have only been awake a short time so I only need a short amount of sleep.

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3. To help w/ the early waking, do you put your child to sleep early (like he's tired by 5:30pm most days) to help their sleep deficit or just keep them up 'til close to 7:00pm?
I will put her down to early (30-60min) on the ODD day, but if you do it everyday they will then start shifting the am wake up and the cycle continues.

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The other problem is that we have no idea when he is waking up b/c he doesn't talk or anything. He's just sleepy by 7:30/8:00am.
The only thing I can think of for this problem is get up at 6am and check on him.

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4. So to summarize, I am still so confused about how I get him to good awake times if he is not getting enough sleep in his naps!
You will need to extend the A times gradually, it will be rough for a week or so.  But THEN the naps will extend on there own.  You won’t need to extend them, focus on extending the A times.

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I guess I need to try to extend the naps??? He's fine if I leave him be, he just never will go back to sleep even though I know he's tired b/c he's exhausted by 5:30pm. Should I work on extending the naps first and then work on extending his awake times to get to 9:00 and 1:00 pm naps?
NOPE, other way around.  I don't mean to harp, but you said spell it out for you.  Focus on extending his AWAKE Time and he will start taking longer naps w/ you having to do any more then that one thing.

I don’t mind answering questions, at least I know someone is listening when I post –hee, hee.  So if you have any more questions fire away.

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Rubbing eyes when waking up from naps
« Reply #12 on: December 22, 2005, 02:57:32 am »

Thank you, Thank you, thank you for all your advice and taking the time to talk to me about this!!  I am about to go crazy w/ trying to get this nap stuff figured out.  I haven't had a chance to see if your suggestions are going to help just yet.  The early morning waking is messing all his naps up and he's becoming overtired.  That's another issue, though!  I do have some more questions:

1.  If on the ODD day that he slept 'til 11:00 or 11:30 for his AM nap, would you push him out 3 hours from the time he woke up or just keep to the time I usually put him down which is around 1:00pm or 1:30??  Today I THOUGHT he took a 2 hr. AM nap b/c I never heard anything on the monitor.  However, he was totally rubbing his eyes at 12:30pm (I had only gotten him up at 11:00am.  This makes me think he was doing a fake sleep!  I mean he was up but just quiet).  He was totally ballistic and had a TERRIBLE time going down and finally fell asleep at around 2:20pm.  (only slept again for 1hr. 10 min.)

2.  Yesterday, he slept from about 9:00am to 10:20am.  He never acted tired even when it was 1:30pm.  I saw no yawns, eye rubbing, etc.  He wasn't fussy.  Should just wait until I see tired signs even if it's been 3 hours?

I have so many other questions about scheduling his naps, etc. but I'll keep it to those two and see what you think.  I am putting him to bed around 7:00 still even though he's exhausted from not napping well.  I'm struggling so much if I should just put him down when he's tired at this point (for naps) even though I know you said to stretch him out.  I guess I keep thinking if I could get him better rested he'd be able to stretch himself.  He just is getting out of control and won't even eat solids sometimes b/c he's so tired!!  HELP! 

Thank you Michelle, you are a godsend!  MERRY CHRISTMAS!

William born 3/23/05
Bennett born 3/3/08

Offline Meg's Mom

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Rubbing eyes when waking up from naps
« Reply #13 on: December 24, 2005, 05:29:47 am »
You are welcome, welcome :-)

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1. If on the ODD day that he slept 'til 11:00 or 11:30 for his AM nap, would you push him out 3 hours from the time he woke up or just keep to the time I usually put him down which is around 1:00pm or 1:30??
I would watch him and if doesn't look tired, then keep up closer to the 3hr mark.

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Today I THOUGHT he took a 2 hr. AM nap b/c I never heard anything on the monitor. However, he was totally rubbing his eyes at 12:30pm (I had only gotten him up at 11:00am. This makes me think he was doing a fake sleep! I mean he was up but just quiet). He was totally ballistic and had a TERRIBLE time going down and finally fell asleep at around 2:20pm. (only slept again for 1hr. 10 min.)
Could it be he wasn't tired and that is why he went nuts on you?  Maybe rubbing his eyes is a fake out  :? .

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2. Yesterday, he slept from about 9:00am to 10:20am. He never acted tired even when it was 1:30pm. I saw no yawns, eye rubbing, etc. He wasn't fussy. Should just wait until I see tired signs even if it's been 3 hours?
yes, push it a bit, maybe 15-30min if he doesn't look tired.

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I guess I keep thinking if I could get him better rested he'd be able to stretch himself.

He will only stretch himself if he is tired enough.  He can only get better rested is he taking longer naps which he will only do if he is tired enough. 

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Thank you Michelle, you are a godsend! MERRY CHRISTMAS!
  Oh, you are making me blush 8) , but thanks and Merry Christmas to you and your's.

How have things been the past few days?  Have you tried what i suggested?

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Rubbing eyes when waking up from naps
« Reply #14 on: December 28, 2005, 21:50:11 pm »
Ohhh travelling for Christmas, what a joy...NOT!!   :cry:   I haven't been able to try any of your suggestions b/c we've been out of town and it was HORRIBLE to say the least w/ naps.  I will say, however, that the couple of days I have tried to keep him up 'til about 3 hrs. from when he got up, I didn't see a difference.  That is why I keep thinking maybe he is getting up earlier than I think and is already tired??  Today we were back at home.  I did hear him this morning at 5:00AM or so but didn't check to see if he'd gone back to sleep and didn't hear him again 'til around 6:15AM.  I got him up at 6:30am since he was still talking.  He was fussy this morning and I did see him yawn once around 8:00am or so.  I put him to bed around 9:15am.  I never did see any more tired signs.  He fell asleep around 9:20 and only took a 40 min. nap and woke up crying and he is practically impossible to settle when he wakes up like this!  He simply WILL NOT go back to sleep.  That's what I mean.  I can never figure out if he's overtired when he takes these 40 min. naps or what.  He took about an hour nap this PM and is exhausted and it's only 4:30pm!!  He woke up crying again from his afternoon nap.  What do you think??  I know you said to keep him up but as I said, today he was up close to 3 hrs. (before AM nap) and nothing doing.  I guess I am skeptical b/c he has always had such a difficult time w/ naps.

William born 3/23/05
Bennett born 3/3/08