Hi I've only used the board once before on naps and the advance was a huge help, so I'm hoping that someone can help me with my latest bumps along the parenting road with my spirited by happy daughter!
We have sleep problems that have suddenly started after months of sleeping through. LO is very difficult to settle in the evenings now (used to be the perfect baby - bed time routine, put her down slightly drowsy and shut the door - not a peep til morning). For the last week she continuously wakes and cries out when she stirs in the evening before the dream feed and then wakes throughout the night crying out. Naps are the same, will not go down and last two days have had to resort to taking her out in the pushchair to get her to at least have some sleep. The added problem is that as soon as I put her down she turns herself over on to her tummy and cries, and no matter which side I put her on, front, back, left or right side, she just cries. She's beeing turning over for months so its not like its a new trick!
I have to say its really starting to get me down
as I'm getting increasingly tired with the night wakings and the nap struggles in the day. I feel like I'm letting her down by not understanding what is wrong or what she wants, I'm failing her. :oops:
In the mornings I'm torn between letting her sleep on a bit as she was awake for 2 hours or so in the night, to waking her at 7/7.30 to set her body clock for the day. What do you think??
I feel I'm in a cycle of 'she's overtired so she needs to sleep, but she won't sleep because she's overtired'.
This morning, Lara woke at 7.00am and I normally put her down 2 hours later, this morning I took her up earlier and (I still can't believe it) she's actually gone off to sleep without too much of a fuss! Maybe I need to put her down earlier for everything - naps and night time???
Thank you so much in advance for any advice given, this website is a huge help to us all.
Karen & Lara
A (normally) very happy SPIRITED girl!