Author Topic: Activity and toy ideas for 3-6mths  (Read 44193 times)

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Activity and toy ideas for 3-6mths
« on: February 14, 2006, 00:25:02 am »
Please add to this list with any ideas you have.  If you have a question about activity time, please create a new post outside of this post.

Looking through photo albums
Reading books
Reaching for blocks that are stacked up to pick up or knock down
Daily tummy time
Rolling practice
Action songs
« Last Edit: February 14, 2006, 00:32:42 am by Nikki~Nathan&Danielle »

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Re: Activity and toy ideas for 3-6mths
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2006, 05:44:15 am »
Some more fun ideas!

Having fun looking in mirrors.
When on tummy, supporting feet and putting toy in front of them, so when they push with their feet, they scooch forward
jolly jumper
time under gymini
playing wheels on the bus, itsy bitsy spider, patty cake, this little piggy.
Reading big picture books.
Dancing with mom
Practicing rolling on mom and dad's bed.
Play hide the toy, there it is!
Feeling different textures.
Playing with toys that makes sounds and light up
Playing upright with the help of a boppy or bumbo seat.
Taking walk in mall or outside.
Going to mom and me group.
Doing infant massage

[Julie & Taylor (09/14/2005)

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Re: Activity and toy ideas for 3-6mths
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2006, 09:56:01 am »
 :D Tom LOVED "row row row your boat" at that age... it use to send him into fits of giggles!!

 :D As he learnt to grab at things the mobiles and baby gyms he'd started to get board with became interesting again!!

 :D When he reached about 5 months he use to love "practicing" sitting up on a bed next to mummy. We use to giggle whenever he fell over, and because it didnt hurt he learnt not to be scaired of trying to sit.

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Re: Activity and toy ideas for 3-6mths
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2006, 11:04:03 am »
This Idea came from my sister , and it was a great idea ,
when it was time for jonathan to start with tummy time , we got a train , a very simple one , it was actually a santa's train that made a lot of noise , and we put it infront of him , you can be sure that in no time his tummy time went from less than a minute to much longer than that , he could spend realy a long time just following the train as it was moving . today jonathan is 5 and a half months and the moment we put him on the floor , he rolls to his tummy and stays there almost the whole activity time , .
i hope this tip will be helpfull .

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Re: Activity and toy ideas for 3-6mths
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2006, 19:27:16 pm »

Re: tummy time....I have also found that using a breastfeeding pillow (if you have one) works really well. I prop my ds over it and his face is now several inches from the ground. He smiles and helped to lengthen his TT.


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Re: Activity and toy ideas for 3-6mths
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2006, 23:13:11 pm »
I started with the breastfeeding pillow as can also used a rolled up blanket or towel if you don't have one.
To help them with speech, when playing with your lo imitate their speech and actions.  Wait for them to respond and then react to them by smiling, praising etc.  This helps them with speech and language.
London, ON

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Re: Activity and toy ideas for 3-6mths
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2006, 07:33:03 am »

Where could I find rhymes or activity songs for babies. Does anyone know any website address?

Thanks for help

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Re: Activity and toy ideas for 3-6mths
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2006, 17:08:40 pm »
This is one of my favorites, it has absolutley every song you ever heard and tons you probably havn't.  It is really easy to navigate or to search for a particular song.

Here is another one haven't used it much but is also very useful.


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Re: Activity and toy ideas for 3-6mths
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2006, 02:32:07 am »
My lo likes to be bounced alot which as very tiring as as he got older.  So my hubby found a creative way to keep Trevor entertained.  Trevor now likes to bounced on my stability ball.  While kneeling in front of the ball (placed in a corner) and holding Trevor, I sat him top of the ball and started bouncing him.  I'd also sing songs while bouncing him on the ball and he really enjoys it. 
Thanks to my hubby my arms and legs aren't as tired anymore from the bouncing.

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Re: Activity and toy ideas for 3-6mths
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2006, 12:43:48 pm »
Great Ideas! Thanks  :)  My dd just loves her jolly jumper and can stay on it forever - I keep her on it for 30 min at a time.  I have also noticed that she naps better after jumping so much. Do you have any information whether its use is safe especially in term of bone development?


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Re: Activity and toy ideas for 3-6mths
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2006, 18:30:19 pm »
As a school teacher- I think I was over invested in "age-appropriate" activity and knowing what was right when - so when I found Miriam Stoppards Book "Baby's First Skills" - I knew I hit the jackpot!   She does a month by month of activity and development that you can encourage through creative play.   She also addresses how play can enhance verbal and social skills.   A GREAT BOOK.  Can be found at all major sites and stores.  Here is one link!!!,,9780756609535,00.html


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Re: Activity and toy ideas for 3-6mths
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2006, 02:06:12 am »
Although changing diapers is a relatively short part of A time, my ds enjoys looking at a collage of baby faces cut from magazines which I tacked to the wall next to the changing table.  This makes changing diapers fun and it keeps him entertained without making him squirmy...since he only sees it while I'm changing him, the novelty doesn't wear off (this worked with his older sisters too).

Offline Julian2006

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Re: Activity and toy ideas for 3-6mths
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2006, 03:30:25 am »
Julian loves it when I prop up a book for him to look at when he is having tummy time.  I think as long as they have something there to look at (I loved the train idea) then they will be entertained.  We recently received a blanket that he is enjoying - it has pictures of animals on it and lots of different textures and things for him to play with now that he can use his hands.

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Re: Activity and toy ideas for 3-6mths
« Reply #13 on: July 04, 2006, 18:52:02 pm »
My dd just turned 3 months old on Sunday.  Right now we take a half hour walk during her first A time.  We use the jogging stroller so she can look out front.  She is starting to like looking around at all the houses, etc.

During the next 2-3 A times we change her diaper, get her dressed, feed her, and then have flirting time.  Then we have to have her sit up for at least 20-30 minutes (reflux) and we put her in either her bouncy chair or her swing and give her toys to play with while I do dishes, laundry or I sit in front of her and show her toys, sing songs, read a book, etc.  After about 15 minutes of that I usually let her have some kicking time in her playpen which has her play mat in it or in her crib with her mobile on. At that time I am able to get a few minutes of work done (I work from home). Then for wind down we either read a book (she doesn't sit for very long), walk around the house or sit out side and just be quiet. Then we start our nap routine (2 minutes tops).  Depending on her reflux we try to do tummy time.  Yesterday we put a ton of blankets on our kitchen table and put her on her tummy while we ate.  She got to watch us eat from a new angle which was pretty neat for her. 

Sometimes during her last A time we go out and run arrands since it is her cat nap time (she won't sleep while we are on the go anymore  :'(  :'(  :'() or go and visit Daddy at work before bedtime.  If we do that it usually ends up that she cries the entire way home because she didn't gey a good cat nap. It's so sad.  I can't wait until she can stay awake longer.

-Melissa  :D
I am so in love with my husband and adore my precious Grace

Grace April 2006

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Re: Activity and toy ideas for 3-6mths
« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2006, 17:16:45 pm »
Some more fun ideas!

Having fun looking in mirrors.

I have to say, my son LOVES looking at himself in the mirror. I wonder if he knows that it's him in the mirror and not another baby. He's 4 months now.