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Re: Feeding routine for 10-12months
« Reply #45 on: November 13, 2006, 02:31:59 am »
I have a quick question about the food listed in the routines. How pureed are the fruit and eggs and veggies and meat? My lo is 9.5 months and has 6 front teeth, so I'm really curious. Thanks!
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Re: Feeding routine for 10-12months
« Reply #46 on: November 13, 2006, 02:43:05 am »
Jenna's Mom - We dont use the high chair all that much except for the 3 "true" meals of the day.   For a snack, I will put cherios or Kix in a little "dish-like" trough in her toys nad she takes them from there.  She has a water cup out all day and we will give her bites of fruit as a snack.  I WILL use the HC for some snacks - but definitly not bottles.   We do all bottles holding her.....I never thought to do any different.

Spectra - The front teeth really mean not too much in terms of puree - they dont chew with those teeth - they cut.  OUr DD had 8 teeth at 6 months and now at 11.5 she has nearly 12.  we were never pureeing much....chopped really small - and let her finger feed.  She HATED the soft stuff - so we were done with that really fast.   

Good luck

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Re: Feeding routine for 10-12months
« Reply #47 on: November 13, 2006, 14:23:10 pm »
Hi Spectra!
My LO is almost a year now, but when he was 9.5 mos, we were really working on getting him chewing. I would give him chunks of soft food and watch really carefully until he got the hang of it. For example, I'd give him ripe pears cut into peices he couldn't possibly choke on, and well cooked peas, a chopped up turkey meatball, etc. until he got really good at chewing. We pretty much stopped pureeing food at 10 months, giving him chopped or mashed food to follow up his dinner of finger foods.
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Re: Feeding routine for 10-12months
« Reply #48 on: November 14, 2006, 02:34:32 am »
Awesome guys, thank you!
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Re: Feeding routine for 10-12months
« Reply #49 on: November 19, 2006, 21:44:23 pm »
Here is Sophia Isabella's feeding routine at 10 and a half months old. We mainly feed her organic foods and we are slowly transitioning into more finger foods (she doesn't seem too interested right now) and also the chunkier varieties...though she still enjoys her purees and still prefers stage 2 when she is teething badly.

7:30 am wake and BF
8:30 am - 4 oz. of baby food with protein (turkey and chicken with veggies); 1 mashed   banana; 3-4 tbs. cream top whole milk yogurt mixed with 3 tsp. apple sauce. OR in place of the banana and yogurt she will have half an avocado mixed with 3 tbs. yogurt and applesauce.
11:30 am - BF; 6 oz. of baby food (veggies and apple yogurt oatmeal)
3:30 pm - BF; 2 wagon wheels or 1/2-1 teething biscuit for snack or cut up cheese (though she doesn't seem to enjoy eating these..just plays with them).
6:30 pm - BF then 6 tbs. baby oatmeal cereal with water and pureed fruit; 2-4 oz. of green veggies; 5-6 tbs. cream lined yogurt and apple sauce.
7:30 pm - Bed

Any advice on how to start transitioning to regular food?  What varieties can one start feeding a 10 month old?  Should we avoid certain spices (i.e. onion and garlic powder; herbs; and salt and pepper? I have started having her take little bites off my toast and butter and also a bit of cheese but am quite wary and unsure of what is best to feed lo and maintain a healthy balance of vitamins and nutrition.

« Last Edit: November 20, 2006, 02:58:46 am by Ana_Cristina »

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Re: Feeding routine for 10-12months
« Reply #50 on: November 20, 2006, 16:25:57 pm »
I haven't seen it yet but a few friends have told me to check out the new nutritian article in the newest Parents mag.  My one friend said she read within it that around this time our los have super sensitive taste buds which is why they start to get picky and bored with bland so it is a good time to start cooking with more seasonings and herbs, just watch out for salt!  With DS, I just kept putting finger foods on his tray at meal times and eventually he got the hang of it to the point that this is how he wants to eat and aside from breakfast, he won't let us feed him with a spoon!  Sometimes, he will let us feed him off of a "grown up" fork, though.  ::)  I am very impressed with how much your lo eats!  I am always worried now that DS insists on feeding himself that he gets enough but I just let him eat until he starts playing with the food on his tray!
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Re: Feeding routine for 10-12months
« Reply #51 on: November 23, 2006, 00:06:27 am »
Hi everyone!

My lo is almost 10 months and this is her feeding schedule:

7am BF
7:45 Breakfast - Cheerios to pick at, Vegemite toast, Baby muesli mixed with milk.
11:00 Snack - Biscuit or fruit with water from sippy cup
12:30 Lunch - cut up fruit, small tub yogurt, thin rice cake.
1:15 BF
3:30 Snack - biscuit or fruit with water from sippy cup
5:00 Dinner - cut up cheese, veggies, meat.
6:30 BF

She is not too interested in the BF after lunch and the one at night is becoming a bit of a struggle so I am going to start offering her formula in a cup with morning and afternoon tea and slowly start to wean her off the breast.

Thanks, Vicki

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Re: Feeding routine for 10-12months
« Reply #52 on: November 23, 2006, 02:02:23 am »
BabyBsMommy - thanks for the tip on the new Parents mag.!  I guess I am just a little wary starting her on regular food simply because I gotten so used to the prepared baby foods in jars...and am a bit imtimidated.  So I am also thinking of taking the leap of cooking her food and freezing here soon.

You are lo eats quite a bit nowadays.  Believe me, last month was a very different story...between getting her teeth and going on a nursing strike and not eating much solids, I was at my wits end.  Have you or anyone here been giving your lo daily vitamins?  My doctor has never suggested it and I'm not quite sure if it is recommended at all?

Thanks again for the tip and I will try to introduce more finger foods as well. :)
« Last Edit: November 23, 2006, 02:05:37 am by Ana_Cristina »

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Re: Feeding routine for 10-12months
« Reply #53 on: November 23, 2006, 02:08:57 am »
Sophia is 10.5 months old and this is her feeding routine:

6am- Wake and BF
7:30-Breakfast: cheerios on her tray to pick at, toast fingers with fruit spread on it, 4 tblsp of cereal w/ 4 oz of soy milk

*We have recently dropped the 11 AM BF*

Am snack after nap (10:30 or 11am) Yogurt and cheerios or bananna, water in sippy

1pm- Lunch 4tblsp of pastine (homemade soup w/pasta & veggies) and 4tblsp of fruit, sippy with Soy milk, cut up cheese on tray to pick at

3:30 BF  and small snack shortly after ( arrowroot biscuit, goldfish crackers or rice puffs, sippy with h20)

5:00 Dinner 4tblsp toddler jarred baby food & 4tblsp fruit (has started to have table food blended up, depends on what I make for dinner)

6:30 BF

7PM bed

Any suggestions on my routine are welcome! I am always so worried she isnt getting enough (dont we all??) but she was really refusing the 11 am BF and I didnt want to force her, and since we dropped it she nurses well for her other feeds. So I am following her lead and I think it wont be long until we are down to 2 BF a day! Also has anyone else introduced juice yet? I have given her some juice in a regular cup ( 2oz of h20/ 1oz odf juice) and she loves it...
For pics of Sophia,check out her site!

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Re: Feeding routine for 10-12months
« Reply #54 on: November 23, 2006, 02:49:14 am »
Ana Cristina - We went through a nursing strike at 6 months and 8 months due to teething.  I had weaned him down starting at the end of September to formula through the day and a BF first thing in the morning and before bed.  Before bed started to become a struggle about 3 weeks ago so I changed that to formula and after a few weeks there wasn't much left for him in the morning so I weaned that one, too.  As for vitamins, I only ever gave vitamin D drops which were recommended while breastfeeding but he actually just finished his bottle of them today and I'm going to stop since he is on formula and so many regular foods now.  I think as long as they are getting some food from all of the food groups and breastmilk/formula they are ok but ask your pedi if you are unsure.

Solids are a bit scary, I think we all worry about whether or not they are getting enough but I think they must be since we all worry but most of the lo's seem to be thriving!   ;D

Juice - Have given some apple or pear juice diluted A LOT (we're talking 1 oz mixed with 5 oz of water) in a sippy when he has had a cold or been sick but he actually prefers straight water.
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Re: Feeding routine for 10-12months
« Reply #55 on: December 28, 2006, 03:09:47 am »
My son is 11 months old and here is his schedule now:

700-730 wake up and bottle 8 oz
830 - Breakfast - yogurt or cereal with 2-3 tbsp fruit
1100-1130 - Bottle 8 oz
1230 - Lunch - vegetables, little meat, fruit
330 - Bottle 8 oz
530 - Dinner: vegetables, fruit
715-730 - Right before bed - Bottle 8 oz

We don't have big success with giving him water between feedings, takes it only if it's mixed with little bit of juice /apple, white grapes or pear/. I also give him finger foods 2-3 times a day just for a bite or two.


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Re: Feeding routine for 10-12months
« Reply #56 on: January 10, 2007, 22:32:01 pm »
Carter is 10 mos and here is his schedule:

7am-wake and bf
8am-1 banana, about 15 puffins cut in half, 3 tbsp yogurt
1pm-steamed veggies, black beans, and pasta
4pm-snack-either 1 slice of cinnamon raisin bread or some graham crackers and raisins
6:30pm-ground turkey or chicken, steamed veggies, potato wedges

He has water in a sippy through most of these meals and throughout the day.  He used to devour all meals, now he is eating a little bit less for lunch and dinner.  ::) All that wasted homemade food!  >:(


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Re: Feeding routine for 10-12months
« Reply #57 on: January 16, 2007, 12:37:59 pm »
rosie is now 13 months old and she doesn't seem to eat huge amounts at all at the moment.  I think as their growth slows down so does their appetite.

today for lunch she's eaten a piece of (homemade) beef burger approx the size of a US dime (or a 10p in the uk) and a few spoons of mashed potato with spinach (one of her favourties usually), followed by 4 grapes and 4 cherries, and a quarter of a slice of bread.  written down that looks like a lot, but on the plate it didn't!

anyways, she seems to be growing well enough and i expect she'll be hungry and eat loads at tea time.
rosie - 12/12/05
Joe 17/03/08

breastfed angel babies!

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Re: Feeding routine for 10-12months
« Reply #58 on: January 22, 2007, 01:48:45 am »
DS is almost 13 months so I'll do one last post to tell where he's at now....
Here is today...
7am - 7 oz wake up bottle (3oz formula, 4 oz whole milk)
830am - breakfast - 1/2 slice ww toast with cream cheese and sugar free jam, 3 tbsp oatmeal with a bit of mashed banana, 1/2 baby yogurt, 1/2 banana, a few cheerios and water.
1130am - snack - some gerber puffs and freeze dried apples
1230pm - lunch -1 oz chicken, ww macaroni with melted cheese, about 8 green beans, 1/3 of a pear, a few goldfish crackers, water.
200pm - 6 oz bottle before nap (2oz formula, 4 oz whole milk)
400pm - snack - small slice of cheese, a few goldfish crackers and freeze dried apples
515pm - dinner - 1 oz chicken, 1 1/2 perogies, a few flowerets of broccoli mashed with some melted cheese, 8 green beans, 1/4 pear, 1/2 banana, 1 arrowroot cookie and water
715pm - 6 oz bedtime bottle, same as afternoon one

DS is a very good eater right now.  I'm waiting for the pickiness to set in!   When he's teething or has a cold, his appetite diminishes a lot, to the point that he'll eat about the equivalent of one typical meal over a whole day.  He is a VERY active baby, and literally runs around the house every waking minute of the day!
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Re: Feeding routine for 10-12months
« Reply #59 on: November 17, 2007, 03:45:25 am »
What are moms giving LO's for finger foods?  I've been alternating between diff fruits like bananas, avocados, and even kiwi's, but would like to offer more.  I haven't started giving DD any wheat  yet, so I haven't done the cheerios and things.